Do you remember when black and white professional sports athletes were held to the same standards of treatment when it came to racial incidents?

Yeah, we don’t either. And to dispel with the suspense, such incidents still aren’t treated equally.


Just a few days ago, Cleveland radio host Kyle Cornell was actually fired from his job after he described Sen. Kamala Harris as the “first colored vice presidential candidate” during a baseball game broadcast.

Cue the Left-wing, black, Democrat-voter outrage.

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Within 24 hours, Cornell – who is white – was fired, apologized, and actually praised WTAM management for letting him go.

Now mind you, the term ‘colored’ is certainly dated, but it used to be an accepted descriptor for black people that even black people used. And while on the subject, the NAACP still uses it (National Association for the Advancement of Colored People).

Suddenly, it’s ‘racist.’

And speaking of the difference between in how whites and blacks are treated in American society today, what would happen, do you think, to a white athlete who shouted something racially charged at a black player during a game?

That white player would be immediately identified by the mass Left-wing media machine; he would be vilified online by the outrage mobs; he would be held up as the “latest example” of “systemic racism in America;” he’d be fined, most likely, and he might even be suspended for several games or kicked out of the sport altogether.

Come on – you know that’s true.

But when a black player makes a racially charged statement to a white player – say, something like “b**ch a** white boy” – what do you think would happen?

So far…nothing. reports:

Things got chippy on Friday night between the Los Angeles Clippers and Dallas Mavericks. In a series where tensions were already running high and trash talk was aplenty, Montrezl Harrell opted to take things to the next level.

Midway through the first quarter, Harrell worked hard on a putback attempt. On his way back down the floor, the Clippers big man could be seen yelling “bi**h a** white boy” at Doncic.

Although neither the announcers nor the officials seemed to care much about Harrell’s comment, people watching at home did.

Almost immediately fans on Twitter began complaining about what had transpired.

The sports site went on to document several instances where the NBA and the teams have laid out precedent on such insults.

“Earlier this week, a Charlotte Hornets radio play-by-play announcer was suspended indefinitely for tweeting out a racial slur.

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“Current Los Angeles Lakers guard Rajon Rondo was suspended for one game back when he was with the Sacramento Kings for uttering a gay slur at referee Bill Kennedy.

“Current Los Angeles Clippers backup Joakim Noah was fined $50,000 back when he was with the Chicago Bulls for hurling a gay slur at a heckling fan,” the site notes.

Hey NBA, this is corny as all get-out, but it’s true: Now the ball is in your court. You going to let this slide?


Kutztown grad specializing in political drama and commentary. Follow me on Facebook and Twitter.