Conservatives who still believe there’s a ‘chance’ to take back control over the pop culture and entertainment industry should think again: There is no chance because both are dominated by mindless, groupthink ‘progressives’ who are really regressives that behave in ways harken back to an earlier intolerant and authoritarian time.

This reality has been reinforced by former daytime star, model, and sometime actor Anthony Sabato Jr.

In an exclusive interview with Townhall, Sabato explained that today’s cancel culture environment in Hollywood got him “blacklisted” in the same way actors and actresses were dealt with in the 1950s during the McCarthy era all because he ran for Congress as a Republican.

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The outlet notes:

In his new book, “Sabato: The Untold Story,” Sabato, Jr. gets candid about how his conservatism cost him his agents and his gigs, but not his dignity. 

The actor begins by explaining the unimaginable obstacles his family endured while he was still a boy.

“My family had to flee from socialist run Czechoslovakia to Italy, then having to leave Italy, where I was born, because it too had become a socialist country and was, in no small part, the reason my father’s sparkling thirty-year film career had dried up,” Sabato Jr. writes in his book. “There was no money for making Italian films then in Italy.”

“As if that wasn’t bad enough, the devastating fire in our home in Rome, when I was eight years old which, according to the fire chief in a conversation with my mother at the scene, was started by a bomb, deliberately. We lost everything we had ever owned in that fire and had to start over again, with nothing but the clothes on our backs.”

After that, the family emigrated to the U.S. in 1985, and he found fame.

But he told Townhall that running for Congress on the GOP ticket was “far worse” than anything he faced growing up.

“You need some kind of support system and I get it from God,” Sabato said. “I think it was good therapeutic wise to write a book, the good and the bad. Stories are going to uplift people and get a better idea of the family I’m surrounded with. I had an exciting life…it’s kind of fascinating.”

Townhall continued: 

In the 80s and 90s, he remembered, people were at odds ideologically, but they were at least still in a dialogue. Now fruitful or at least respectful conversation among political opposites is nearly impossible.

But, Sabato isn’t alone in Hollywood. There are a handful of other “out and proud” conservatives, such as Academy Award winner Jon Voight. Voight not only supports President Trump, he has narrated much of this week’s Republican National Convention.

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Asked if he believes the Democratic convention’s heavy focus on ‘stars’ will sway voters, Sabato said he doubts it.

“No not at all,” he said. “Years ago, maybe. Hollywood has just been endangering themselves over the years. Saying, ‘I want to blow up the White House’…’I want to cut off his head.’ Americans want to go to work. They’re done with this political stuff. They’ve got to pay their bills. I have other responsibilities and we got to go out there and take care of our families.”

Conservatives, libertarians, and American traditionalists should fund their own entertainment industry. Hollywood is gone.


Kutztown grad specializing in political drama and commentary. Follow me on Facebook and Twitter.