Donald Trump hasn’t been in office since noon on January 20, and he’s not a member of the U.S. Senate.

And yet, for some reason, he’s being blamed for the supposedly slow pace of Joe Biden’s Cabinet nominees being confirmed.

It wouldn’t have anything at all to do with an evenly divided chamber or the fact that most of his selections are highly controversial leftists including a Health and Human Services nominee who believes kids as young as three years old should be able to ‘decide’ to get sex change therapy.

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The Daily Caller reports:

President Joe Biden is “disappointed” with how slowly his cabinet nominees are being confirmed to their positions, but he doesn’t blame the Senate, he told reporters Wednesday.

Biden made the statement in response to reporter questions following his signing of an economic executive order at the White House on Wednesday. He said he doesn’t blame opposition in the Senate for the slow pace, but rather blames former President Donald Trump for refusing to provide a “rational” transition.

“But I don’t so much blame it on the Senate, I blame it on the failure to have a transition that was rational,” Biden said or was paraphrased as saying by CBS News White House producer Sara Cook.

Then-White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows informed staffers in a memo that the White House will “comply with all actions needed to ensure the smooth transfer of power,” but added that administration officials “are not permitted to speak directly with a member of the Biden transition team or the federal transition coordinator,” unless specifically authorized, the Daily Caller added, quoting the memo.

Okay. So?

While it’s true that then-President Trump and his administration sought to delay the transition process as long as possible while his legal team (and others) filed challenges to very unusual, and very disputed, election results in key battleground states, that had nothing at all to do with Biden’s selection process.

Trump’s team could have delayed right up until the last minute, but Biden’s handlers had been busy for months before the election choosing, and then vetting, potential Cabinet picks, a process that had nothing at all to do with the manner in which the Trump team did or did not cooperate with the incoming administration (which Trump was mighty angry about after having been aced out of a reelection bid he is certain he won).

So what’s really holding up the show for Biden’s picks?

Biden’s picks.

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Take Neera Tanden, his selection for the Office of Management and Budget. She is so far left and demonstrably so that Republicans (and some Democrats) are not about to give her a platform in government with which to control key aspects of funding. During her stint at the uber-far-left (and very misnamed) Center for American Progress, she constantly bashed Republicans — so much so, she recently scrubbed her Twitter feed ahead of her confirmation hearings, the things she wrote were that bad.

She even once poked a reporter in the chest for asking her pal, Hillary Clinton, a question.

So no, it’s not Donald Trump’s fault that Biden’s picks aren’t sailing through Senate confirmation. It’s Biden’s fault or, more specifically, those of his leftist handlers.


Kutztown grad specializing in political drama and commentary. Follow me on Facebook and Twitter.