Fox News host Dan Bongino roasted President Joe Biden during his Sunday evening show, calling him a “coward” over his handling of the U.S. pullout from Afghanistan and that the failure is his to own.

“I have a couple of messages I need to get out there – they’re important, time for BS is over,” he said during a segment on his show “Unfiltered with Dan Bongino.

“The first message is for Joe Biden, our president in name only: You failed. You are a total, epic, colossal apocalyptic failure,” Bongino said.

“You failed the American people, you failed our country, you failed our military, our Army, our Marines, our Air Force, our Navy, you failed the Afghan people, you failed our allies,” the host and popular radio talker added.

“You, you, you failed everyone. Because you were a coward. You failed.

“History will remember this as one of the most colossal, epic political failures in America’s history. And you did this. Not our military. You did this,” he added.

“And not only did you fail, when your failures became obvious to everyone, when we watched Afghans fall off planes trying to get out of a country taken over by medieval savages, you dismissed them, telling people, ‘Don’t worry, it was just a couple days ago,’” Bongino continued.

“Is there a statute of limitations on people falling off planes, trying to ride planes on the outside to escape your failure?” he asked rhetorically.

“Biden should resign immediately. Biden should have resigned yesterday, in fact, he should have resigned last week,” Bongino continued.

“Listen, that’s a serious message. I don’t take it lightly. If he doesn’t resign, Joe Biden should be impeached,” he advised.

“I get what you are saying that we would be handing the country to Kamala Harris. Ladies and gentlemen, it can’t get any worse,” he noted.

Biden has been roundly criticized by both left and right since the debacle of a withdrawal began to unfold more than a week ago, leaving thousands of Americans stranded and forcing the president to respond by sending thousands more U.S. troops back in to assist with ongoing evacuations even as the Taliban retook and occupied Kabul.

As the August 31 withdrawal deadline approaches, Biden suggested on Sunday that there are negotiations underway to extend the timetable for final withdrawal if the administration feels it will become necessary in order to ensure that all Americans escape.

“There are discussions going on among us and the military about extending,” Biden told reporters in response to a question about the fast-approaching deadline.

“Our hope is we will not have to extend. But there are going to be discussions, I suspect, on how far along we are in the process.”

However, the Taliban may not be accommodating. In fact, the group’s spokesman said Monday that the deadline would not be extended.

“It’s a red line. President Biden announced that on 31 August they would withdraw all their military forces. So if they extend it that means they are extending occupation while there is no need for that,” Taliban spokesperson Suhail Shaheen told Sky News in Qatar’s capital of Doha.

“If the U.S. or U.K. were to seek additional time to continue evacuations — the answer is no. Or there would be consequences,” Shaheen added. “It will create mistrust between us. If they are intent on continuing the occupation it will provoke a reaction.”

Syndicated with permission from USA Features News.


Kutztown grad specializing in political drama and commentary. Follow me on Facebook and Twitter.