A 1996 court document obtained by a California newspaper provides new evidence that Tara Reade, who has accused Joe Biden of sexual assault, is telling the truth, even as the pathetic establishment media and hypocrite Democrats continue to ignore her.

As exclusively reported by the San Luis Obispo Tribune, Reade told her then-husband she was sexually harassed while working for then-Sen. Joe Biden (D-Del.) in 1993:

The declaration — exclusively obtained by The Tribune in San Luis Obispo, California — does not say Biden committed the harassment nor does it mention Reade’s more recent allegations of sexual assault.

Reade’s then-husband Theodore Dronen wrote the court declaration. Dronen at the time was contesting a restraining order Reade filed against him days after he filed for divorce, Superior Court records show.

In the document, Dronen wrote that Reade told him of “a problem she was having at work regarding sexual harassment, in U.S. Senator Joe Biden’s office.”

“Petitioner told me that she eventually struck a deal with the chief of staff of the Senator’s office and left her position,” the court document says. “I was sympathetic to her needs when she asked me for help, and assisted her financially, and allowed her to stay at my apartment with my roommate while she looked for work. It was obvious that this event had a very traumatic effect on Petitioner, and that she is still sensitive and effected [sic] by it today.”

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To date, this appears to be the only written record that has been found thus far which substantiates Reade’s claim. It also indicates that she did, indeed, tell someone about the alleged incident.

The divorce court record comes after several people have already corroborated Reade’s account, including former neighbors, close friends, her brother, and her late mother.

As reported by The Intercept, the sibling and a friend of Tara Reade, the former staffer who has filed a former sexual assault complaint against the one-time Delaware senator, have not only corroborated her story, but they claim she told them about the alleged assault shortly after it occurred in 1992.

The news site noted:

Her brother, Collin Moulton, and her friend, who has asked to remain anonymous, both confirmed that they heard about the allegations from Reade at the time. Reade’s mother died in 2016, but both her brother and friend also confirmed Reade had told her mother, and that her mother, a longtime feminist and activist, urged her to go to the police.

In addition, the new court document comes to light as Reade’s first on-camera interview is preparing to be released since Biden went on MSNBC to flatly deny the allegation.

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Former Fox News host Megan Kelly tweet-teased the interview Thursday morning, calling it “a riveting exchange,” but she didn’t say when it was going to be released.


Since then, Kelly has posted a few excerpts of her interview:


Again, though, one Democrat after another has come out and said they believe Biden, not his accuser, after claiming during Justice Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation hearings that women should “be believed” no matter what.


Kutztown grad specializing in political drama and commentary. Follow me on Facebook and Twitter.