On Friday evening, Harvard Law Professor Alan Dershowitz offered his own personal research of CNN’s slanderous coverage of Kyle Rittenhouse so the 18-year old can pursue legal action against them.

“All three of us agree that based on the law and evidence in this case, it was the right outcome. What do you think?,” Hannity asked Dershowitz.

“Critics and people who support the conviction just heard a different case,” Dershowitz began.

“They heard a case of white supremacists crossing state lines with an AR-15 who had no business being in the place that he went to. He was not chased and had no fear for his life. That’s what CNN told their viewers. I hope that Rittenhouse sues CNN,” he continued.

“I will make an offer. I will share my research about CNN with Rittenhouse and his lawyers. I am suing CNN because they totally distorted and edited a tape of my defense of President Trump. They have a history of distorting facts to present a narrative. I think that you have to distinguish between opinions and facts. You can’t see somebody for calling Rittenhouse a vigilante. That’s an opinion. You can sue them for saying he crossed state lines with an illegal weapon or he was a white supremacist. I am a strong supporter of the First Amendment that CNN and others have to be held accountable for lying about individuals and creating an expectation of a conviction in a case where there was no possibility of a conviction for anybody who saw the trial live on television,”he added.


As we stated earlier on TrendingPolitics.com, CNN appears to be in the process of covering their tracks as they face a potential lawsuit.

After mocking, accusing, condemning, and declaring Kyle Rittenhouse guilty daily since the shootings on August 25, 2020, the Cable News Network appeared to have put their in-the-field correspondent on, to go down a list of items that legal was worried about. Watch:

Here are some of the corrections and previously reported accusations (lies) the network had made against Rittenhouse, but now are saying they learned a lot of things from the trial and thus implying they no longer believe them.

  1. Kyle and his AR-15 were already in Kenosha and that he did not cross over state lines to go to the protest. CNN had previously reported the opposite.
  2. The rifle was legal for Kyle to carry because of the length, CNN had been reporting it was not.
  3. Kyle was working that night and stayed over, again the opposite of what had been reported.
  4. Drone video showed Joseph Rosenbaum chasing Kyle and kept charging right before getting shot, media had reported Kyle shot without any provocation.

Regardless of what appears to be a clean-up act, the network might have opened themselves up for a liable suit similar to the one brought by Nick Sandmann, in which CNN and other liberal publishing companies have settled for purportedly large sums of money, out of court.

Let’s hope CNN has to pay another 9-figure sum. Stay tuned…


"The Coca Cola company is not happy with me -- that's okay, I'll still keep drinking that garbage" -Donald J. Trump