It’s quite obvious by now to anyone with a functional brain stem that the ‘mainstream media’ is little more than a gaggle of politically biased, pro-Democrat propagandists, as evidenced once again by the Washington Post.

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In describing an incident at the northern Virginia residence of Missouri GOP Sen. Josh Hawley Monday, where Antifa thugs threatened and intimidated his wife and baby daughter while he was in his home state on business, the Post proved again that it cares nothing for facts when the ‘targets’ are conservatives – especially one who is leading the charge against the illegitimacy of Joe Biden’s presidential ‘victory.’

Fox News reports:

Hawley was the first Republican senator to announce he plans to raise objections when Congress meets this week for the final certification of President-elect Joe Biden’s win. Those outside his home were seen on video criticizing him of trying to derail Biden’s victory. He described a terrifying situation. …

[T] he Washington Post reported on Tuesday that “activists said they had staged a peaceful vigil… on the sidewalk in a Northern Virginia suburb.” The liberal paper then noted that Hawley “had a different description for the scene outside his family’s home,” noting that the Republican lawmaker called it “leftwing violence.”

The Post’s story, headlined, “Sen. Josh Hawley says ‘Antifa scumbags’ terrorized his family’s Virginia home. Protesters say they held a peaceful vigil,” largely dismissed any wrongdoing on the part of the group that congregated outside Hawley’s home.

Hawley begged to differ, big time, with the Post’s characterization of what happened.

See for yourself:

“Tonight while I was in Missouri, Antifa scumbags came to our place in DC and threatened my wife and newborn daughter, who can’t travel. They screamed threats, vandalized, and tried to pound open our door. Let me be clear: My family & I will not be intimidated by leftwing violence,” he wrote on Twitter.

Later, after the Post’s story was published, the junior senator from the Show-Me State had more to say.

“@washingtonpost this morning printing outright lies from the Antifa group who now describe themselves as sweet angels. BS. You screamed through bullhorns, shouted down my wife when she asked you to leave, vandalized property, pounded on our door, and terrorized neighbors [a]nd didn’t have the guts to do it in daylight, but only under cover of darkness so you could hide. You’re scum. And we won’t be intimidated,” he added.

Later, he addressed the pandering Post writer directly. 

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“Now ‘vigil’ means screaming threats through bullhorns, vandalizing property, pounding on the doors of homes and terrorizing innocent people and children,” he wrote.

Outside of a few online outlets and new start-ups (Fox News sometimes is an exception), we have no ‘objective’ media in America anymore, just a collection of corporate propagandists for the Democrat Party. 


Kutztown grad specializing in political drama and commentary. Follow me on Facebook and Twitter.