Without a doubt Portland Ore. Has become the ‘capital’ of the American Marxist revolution, as evidenced by the fact that the state’s ‘Democratic’ officials are doing everything they can to foment unrest and enable anarchy.

Case in point: The Trump administration has been forced to send additional federal law enforcement officers to the city to help protect government property and buildings, including a courthouse. 

The deployments are not only constitutional, but the government has an obligation to enforce federal law on federal property and beyond. 

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The lawless Leftists in the Beaver State, however, think they have a right to boot the Feds out if they want to – and they want to.

In response to the Trump administration’s deployment of additional federal officers, Oregon Attorney General Ellen Rosenblum filed a lawsuit to prevent them from carrying out their lawfully assigned duties. In short, she wants to empower the renegade anarchists in Portland to loot, pillage, and destroy whatever federal property they encounter, which is bananas.

In her complaint, Rosenblum alleged that federal officers “have been using unmarked vehicles to drive around downtown Portland, detain protesters, and place them into the officers’ unmarked vehicles, removing them from the public without either arresting them or stating the basis for an arrest, since at least Tuesday, July 14.”

Rosenblum also claimed that the officers had no identifying information and have detained protesters “without warning or explanation.”

“Ordinarily, a person exercising his right to walk through the streets of Portland who is confronted by anonymous men in military-type fatigues and ordered into an unmarked van can reasonably assume that he is being kidnapped and is the victim of a crime,” Rosenblum wrote in her complaint.

Last week she said, “We are today asking the federal court to stop the federal police from secretly stopping and forcibly grabbing Oregonians off our streets.”

But U.S. District Judge Michael Mosman that Oregon lacked standing to sue, while simultaneously failing to produce any evidence of her claims that ‘secret federal police’ were stalking and kidnapping innocent ‘peaceful protesters’ against their will.

In his ruling, he said that “no protester is a plaintiff here” while adding that Oregon would have to have made a “very particularized showing” in order to prove its standing to even bring a case like this.

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“Because it has failed to do so — most fundamentally, because it has not shown it is vindicating an interest that is specific to the state itself — I find the State of Oregon lacks standing here and therefore deny its request for a temporary restraining order,” Mosman wrote.

“There is a well-established body of law paving the way for such lawsuits to move forward in federal court,” he wrote. “This is not such a lawsuit.”

The old-school Democrat Party is gone, but that’s not such a bad thing, either. After all, it was responsible for preserving slavery, beginning the Civil War, founding and aiding the KKK, and opposing the civil rights movement.

In its stead, however, is growing band of Marxists who also believe in authoritarianism, violence, racism against certain [white] people, and lawlessness.


Kutztown grad specializing in political drama and commentary. Follow me on Facebook and Twitter.