The so-called ‘mainstream media’ has largely ignored it, but the administration has been steadily declassifying troves of documents pertaining to “Russiagate,” the fabricated FBI ‘counterintelligence’ operation begun during the Obama administration with the objective of taking out President Donald Trump.

And, according to White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows, more declassifications are on the way ahead of the Nov. 3 election.

Frankly, it’s about time.

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Though he’s been somewhat under the weather after contracting COVID-19, President Trump has been working with Meadows and Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe from his presidential suite at Walter Reed Medical Center to declassify more documents in the coming days and weeks.

“This morning we’ve already had a couple of discussions on items that he wants to get done,” Meadows told “Fox & Friends” on Monday.

“Candidly, he’s already tasked me with getting declassification rolling in a follow up to some of the requests that [Rep.] Devin Nunes [R-Calif.] and others have made,” he said.

The Daily Caller added:

Trump went to Walter Reed on Friday after experiencing symptoms from coronavirus.

Meadows did not go into detail about the documents he is working to declassify or the timeline on which they will be released. The White House did not respond to a request for comment.

Nunes, the top Republican on the House Intelligence Committee, has called for the declassification of a variety of documents from the FBI and U.S. intelligence community related to the investigation of the Trump campaign’s possible links to Russia in 2016.

During a Fox News interview on Sunday, Nunes – who has been all over this Russiagate scandal from the earliest days of the Trump administration – wants two sets of documents released to the American people.

For one, he wants the president to authorize the declassification of memos stemming from interviews the FBI did with the primary source for infamous ‘dossier’ author Christopher Steele in January, February, and May 2017.

“The Senate Judiciary Committee released memos of interviews that the FBI conducted with the source, Igor Danchenko, in January 2017, but other interview transcripts have not been released,” the Daily Caller reported.

“An FBI memo declassified last month said that the bureau had investigated Danchenko in 2009 as a possible Russian agent,” the outlet reported further.

Also, Nunes wants the administration to release intelligence that formed the basis of a memo Ratcliffe sent to the Senate Judiciary Committee last week stating that U.S. intelligence “obtained insight” into “Russian intelligence analysis” indicating that Hillary Clinton is the one who hatched the ‘Russian collusion’ hoax, namely, that Trump and Russia worked together to hack the DNC’s emails.

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Nunes and other lawmakers were briefed last week by Ratcliffe. He said the intelligence in question contains “smoking guns” that the public.

“From what I understand, there’s even more underlying evidence that backs up what Director Ratcliffe put out,” he said on Fox News.

“We want every damn bit of evidence that every intelligence agency has or it’s maybe time to shut those agencies down,” Nunes said.

We agree.


Kutztown grad specializing in political drama and commentary. Follow me on Facebook and Twitter.