For GOP voters who often think the party needs to ‘buck up’ and ‘grow a spine,’ that appears to be the same message now being given by the Republican Study Committee when it comes to pushing back on the left-wing critical race theory.

In recent weeks, you’ve likely read about or seen video of parents and teachers (and students) who have begun to show up en masse at school board meetings around the country to push back against the inherently racist and monumentally wrong curriculum, particularly in Loudoun County, Virginia, which has been dubbed “ground zero” in the fight against the inclusion of this cultural poison into our society.

In fact, two men were arrested this past week attending a Loudoun County School Board meeting, one of them violently.

That is precisely the right thing to do, according to the RSC.

Leaders such as Ron DeSantis has heard the call:

The Daily Caller reports, citing a memo outlining the strategy:

RSC Chairman Jim Banks sent the memo Thursday to approximately 154 Republicans urging his colleagues to fight back against the ideology of Critical Race Theory (CRT) and the “racial essentialism” that it teaches. Banks wrote that Republicans believe “individuals should be judged based on the contents of their character, not their skin,” and that America’s institution should be “colorblind, just as our Constitution is colorblind.”

“Here’s the good news,” the RSC chairman told his colleagues. “We are winning.”

“My encouragement to you is lean into it,” Banks said, citing polling showing only a small fraction of Americans want their children being taught CRT. “Lean into the culture war.”

The congressman emphasized that backlash against CRT is “real,” pointing to the parent-led rebellion rising against CRT across the country. At least 165 local and national groups have formed to combat CRT instruction in schools across the U.S., an NBC analysis found.

“We are beginning to see an organic movement from parents across the country in places like Loudon County, VA, Pelham, NY, South Lake, TX, and Bloomington, IL who are fed up with the lessons their kids are being taught,” Banks told his members. “As House conservatives, we should be sending a signal to these concerned parents: We have your back.”

Banks isn’t alone in his belief that conservatives are winning in the pushback against CRT; so does “Hillbilly Elegy” author J.D. Vance.

“We know that so many parents, Black, White, Democrats even, especially Republicans of course, they don’t like to teach their kids that this is fundamentally a terrible racist country,” he told Fox News this week.

“They don’t want this crap in their schools,” he continued.

He went on to mention the melee at the Loudoun School Board meeting as proof that pushback is succeeding.

“They should be allowed to express that viewpoint and I think the fact that people are trying to shut them up suggests we’re actually winning,” he added.

“Our side is actually winning in this, which means that in Loudoun County but also across the country we’ve got to keep on pressing this case, and keep on making this argument.”

He also credited the COVID-19 school closures, which made perfect sense.

“Parents actually figured out what was going on in their schools,” he said.


Kutztown grad specializing in political drama and commentary. Follow me on Facebook and Twitter.