While Democrats praised LeBron James’ threatening tweet against the Ohio police officer who justifiably shot Makhia Bryant, an Ohio bar owner is putting his foot down.

According to Outkick, Linnie’s Pub in the Cincinnati area announced that they will no longer show NBA games in their bar as long as the anti-cop James is in the league.

Here’s more from their report:

“The bar, Linnie’s Pub, located in Delhi Township near Cincy, has announced they will no longer show anymore games with James playing in it due to James’ online comments.

“If anyone wants to watch an NBA game, don’t come to Linnie’s Pub,” owner Jay Linneman said on Facebook of his bar.

“We will not air them until LeBron James has been expelled from the NBA.””

Do you think that LeBron should be expelled from social media for putting a target on the back of a cop who was just doing his job? Comment below…


"The Coca Cola company is not happy with me -- that's okay, I'll still keep drinking that garbage" -Donald J. Trump