Yesterday, AG Garland announced that a special counsel would be appointed to investigate former President Donald Trump, saying:

“It is in the public interest to appoint a special prosecutor to independently manage an investigation and prosecution based on recent developments, including [Trump’s] announcement that he is a candidate for president in the next election and the sitting president’s stated intention to be a candidate as well.”

Mr. Smith pledged to “conduct the assigned investigations, and any prosecutions that may result from them, independently and in the best traditions of the Department of Justice.

Well, predictably, Trump was not happy in the least about the announcement. He so took to his now-usual haunts to sound-off about it, namely Truth Social and Fox News.

Raging about the issue when speaking with Fox News, Trump blasted the length of time that he has had to spend dealing with endless investigations, saying:

I have been going through this for six years — for six years I have been going through this, and I am not going to go through it anymore. And I hope the Republicans have the courage to fight this.”

Continuing, Trump said “I am not going to partake in it. I’m not going to partake in this.

And that wasn’t all. Former President Trump then hammered the continual investigations into him despite them finding nothing with their endless prying, saying:

“I have never heard of such a thing. They found nothing. I announce and then they appoint a special prosecutor.

“They found nothing, and now they take some guy who hates Trump. This is a disgrace and only happening because I am leading in every poll in both parties. … This is the worst politicization of justice in our country.”

And, of course, he slammed the DOJ for ignoring Hunter and Joe Biden’s crimes while investigating him for every little thing, saying:

“Hunter Biden is a criminal many times over and nothing happens to him. Joe Biden is a criminal many times over — and nothing happens to them.

Trump then demanded the GOP start fighting back, saying:

“It is unfair to the country, to the Republican Party, and I don’t think people should accept it. I am not going to accept it. The Republican Party has to stand up and fight.”

We’ll see if the Republicans actually fight. Mitch McConnell being the Senate Minority Leader again doesn’t bode well for things on that front.

And, commenting on the matter on Truth Social, Trump said:

Here we go again! I thought that the Unselect Committee on January 6th was a dead issue, especially with the record setting loss off Liz Chaney in the Great State of Wyoming, and likewise felt that the document hoax case, after reviewing the Clinton Socks Case & the Presidential Record Act, was dead, or at least dying fast. The Democrat Department of “Justice” had nothing, except Trump haters, so they just appointed a Special Prosecutor to go after me further. Disgraceful!

By: Gen Z Conservative
