President Donald Trump has literally been the toughest on illegal immigration in at least a generation, but all of the progress our country made under his “zero tolerance” approach is about to be undone by Joe ‘Open Borders’ Biden, should he actually take office next month.

For the past four years, President Trump’s administration has worked studiously to shore up border security with the addition of new walls, technology, and – perhaps most importantly – a series of humanitarian agreements with other countries where most illegal immigrants originate.

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But Biden and his left-wing handlers want to do away with those agreements which, according to the current Customs and Border Protection chief Mark Morgan, will lead to “waves” of new migrants stampeding into America.

Worse, the Trump administration just completed agreements with Honduras, El Salvador, and Guatemala to take immigrants who are seeking asylum in one of the three countries, in certain cases.

“These humanitarian agreements demonstrate the Trump administration’s unwavering efforts to secure America’s borders from illegal entry by working closely with our regional partners. Without these agreements, we will likely see waves of attempted illegal entries similar to 2019,” said Morgan in a statement. 

“These humanitarian agreements demonstrate the Trump administration’s unwavering efforts to secure America’s borders from illegal entry by working closely with our regional partners. Without these agreements, we will likely see waves of attempted illegal entries similar to 2019,” said Morgan in a statement. 

Biden’s team, meanwhile, has said he will rescind those agreements because after all, how can the Democrat Party expand its dependency base with imports?

“I already started discussing these issues with the president of Mexico and our friends in Latin America. And the timeline is to do it so that we, in fact, make it better, not worse. The last thing we need is to say we’re going to stop immediately the access to asylum the way it’s being run and end up with two million people on our border,” Biden told reporters last week after they asked why he wouldn’t immediately roll back the agreements.

“It’s a matter of setting up the guardrails so we can move the direction. I will accomplish what I said I would do, a much more humane policy based on family unification,” he added, noting it would take about six months to get them rescinded.

Biden’s choice for national security adviser, Jake Sullivan, was a lot more direct (and far less concerned, ironically, about our national security).

“As currently written, the outgoing administration’s so-called ‘asylum cooperative agreements’ deny the right to apply for asylum in the United States to desperate asylum seekers rather than helping create alternative pathways to protection,” Sullivan said.

“That is just not who we are as a country. That is why [Biden] will work to promptly undo these agreements as part of our bilateral engagement with each of these governments.”

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Barack Obama used to use that phrase all the time — ‘not who we are as a country.’ 

Yes, actually, it is. The vast majority of Americans, before and after the recent stolen election, have consistently said they want limits on legal immigration and are opposed to illegal immigration.

Because they understand that without borders, we won’t have a country, we’ll become an international flophouse with nuclear weapons.


Kutztown grad specializing in political drama and commentary. Follow me on Facebook and Twitter.