Starting from day one of the first case of COVID-19 reaching the United States, Epidemiologists have investigated and tracked the virus in order to determine how to control or stop the spread or prevent it from happening again.

Often called “Disease Detectives”, Epidemiologists search for the cause of disease, identify people who are at risk.

As the number of cases and deaths climbed former President Donald Trump’s White House Coronavirus Task Force was asked to formulate a plan to combat the “pandemic”.

For some unknown reason, Dr. Fauci and the team minimized the benefits of natural immunity when considering what draconian measures to recommend to the President.

Natural immunity is the antibody protection your body creates against a germ once you’ve been infected with it. Natural immunity varies according to the person and the germ. For example, people who have had measles are not likely to get it again, but this is not the case for every disease.

In a sign of sanity returning in the U.S., but also for economic reasons, The NCAA announced this week that athletes who had the COVID do not have to get vaccinated and can participate in sporting activities.

These athletes will be able to participate for 90 days after coming down with COVID.

The ninety days conveniently gets them past the NCAA basketball tournament, “March Madness”, where they make tens of millions of dollars for the association and for the participating colleges to help fund their programs.

Via The NCAA Website.

For purposes of the winter guidelines, the NCAA COVID-19 Medical Advisory Group has developed a definition of “fully vaccinated” that considers both vaccination status and other immunity factors that may impact risks for Tier 1 individuals, including student-athletes and coaches. Those considered fully vaccinated include people:

  • Within two months of having completed the primary series of the Johnson & Johnson vaccine (one dose).
  • Within five months of having completed the primary series of the mRNA Pfizer vaccine, or within six months of having completed the primary series of the mRNA Moderna vaccine (two doses for both).
  • Who have received a booster vaccine if they are beyond two months of the Johnson & Johnson vaccine or beyond five or six months of the mRNA Pfizer or Moderna vaccine, respectively.

A person who has had a documented COVID-19 infection in the past 90 days is considered the equivalent of “fully vaccinated.”

Well, hopefully this goes well for the NCAA with the final COVID-related numbers, after the ninety days, reflecting what the non-partisan Epidemiologists have been saying for the past year.

Natural immunity is highly effective in preventing the infection of any of the COVID strains, Alpha, Delta, and Omicron, resulting in increased herd immunity.

If so other groups will follow the NCAA’s leading, and America will finally return to normal living nationally with COVID treated as another virus, a concern especially for those with premorbidity issues, but not the general public overall.

Written By: Eric Thompson, host of the Eric Thompson Show.

Follow Eric on his website ETTALKSHOW, and social media platforms, MAGABOOK, Twellit & Twitter.


Kutztown grad specializing in political drama and commentary. Follow me on Facebook and Twitter.