We’ve been told for weeks now that Americans likely won’t know the results of the presidential contest on Election Night.

Between all of the mail-in ballots and states that will allow them to be returned days after the Tuesday election date, there’s just no way the country will be able to determine the outcome for days or maybe even weeks later.

But wait – what happens in the event of a blow-out landslide reelection victory by President Donald Trump?

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There are people who believe that may actually happen, and one of them is no stranger to politics, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich.

The former Georgia Republican lawmaker who masterminded the GOP takeover of the House in 1994 after being out of power for four decades has repeatedly predicted a good old-fashioned butt-kicking of Joe Biden by the president on Tuesday.

“I think Trump is going to carry 324 electoral votes,” Gingrich told Fox News host Tucker Carlson. “And I think it will be an enormous shock—a bigger shock to the Establishment than 2016—because the country, the average American, is fed up with these politicians. 

“They’re fed up with being told, ‘You have to be locked down, but the politician and his family don’t have to be.’  [Americans] are also sick of being told, ‘You should be frightened!'” he added.

So, if that prediction comes to fruition, it’s over, right? The Biden camp will have no choice but to concede and allow the peaceful transition of power take place like they’ve claimed for months Trump would never allow happen.

Not so fast.

As reported by the Post Millennial, the Biden camp has other plans:

Jen O’Malley Dillon, Joe Biden’s Campaign manager, considers a Trump victory an impossibility so much so that even were he declared the winner on election night, Biden would not accept it.

While giving an update on the status of the campaign’s chances for victory on Monday, Dillion and the Biden campaign outlined Biden’s path toward 270 electoral votes and the Oval Office. Dillion warned against possible assertions on election night that might make Trump look like had gained the upper hand. That, she suggested, would be misinformation.

“Just because Donald Trump says something on election night or suggests he might be winning, that is not going to be based in fact,” she said. “Under no scenario will Donald Trump be declared the victor on election night.”

Even if Trump appears to be the winner on election night, Dillon suggests that there’s no reason Biden would concede even were Trump to be named the winner, or to appear as though victory is within his grasp.

That’s outrageous, of course, because Dillon is saying her candidate will do exactly what he and she have said that President Trump would do. But that’s Democrats; they always accuse their political opponents of what they themselves are doing.

But remember, this was always part of the plan (which leads us to believe Democrats never really thought that Biden had much of a chance).

Remember “Crooked Hillary Clinton” said over the summer?

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“Joe Biden should not concede under any circumstances,” Clinton said in an interview, excerpts of which were published in late August. “Because I think this is going to drag out, and eventually, I do believe he will win, if we don’t give an inch and if we are as focused and relentless as the other side is.”

‘Eventually I do believe we win’ sure sounds like code for, ‘Biden and Democrats are going to drag out the election results long enough to steal them.’

Marxist Democrats are hell-bent on gaslighting our country into another civil war. What the Biden campaign is planning is just more proof of that.


Kutztown grad specializing in political drama and commentary. Follow me on Facebook and Twitter.