Republican Arizona state senator Wendy Rogers is officially calling for President Joe Biden’s electors to be recalled in Arizona and for a new election to take place after the bombshell Arizona audit results were released on Thursday.

The audit results in Arizona revealed that in Maricopa County, there were 74,000 extra ballots that were received but allegedly were never even sent out in the first place.

The stunning revelation caught the attention of Wendy Rogers who is now calling for a new election.

“I have heard enough,” Rogers tweeted. “With the tens of thousands of ballots mailed without being requested, the over ten thousand people who voted after registering after November 3rd, the failure of Maricopa to turn over the 40% machines, the passwords that Dominion still refuses to turn over, & tens of thousands of unauthorized queries demonstrating insecure the election was, I call for the Biden electors to be recalled to Arizona & a new election must be conducted. Arizona’s electors must not be awarded fraudulently & we need to get this right.”

Trending Politic’s Kyle Becker reported yesterday on the massive development in Arizona. Check out what he had to say:

Arizona Senate President Karen Fann held a public briefing on Thursday with the leaders of the ongoing election audit that she authorized. The auditors’ update was harrowing: 74,000 absentee ballots lacked documentation, thousands of ballots were duplicated without proper documentation, and most shockingly, over 11,000 voters were not on the November election voter rolls, but showed up later on the December voter rolls.

As a reminder, Donald Trump lost Arizona to Joe Biden by 10,457 votes, or merely 0.3 percent of the state’s certified count.

The testimony of digital forensics expert Ben Cotton discussed the rigorous procedures that were undertaken, including 24/7 surveillance, and processes to ensure that not a ‘single bit’ of the election data could possibly be changed.

Cotton’s testimony rebutted claims that the voting machines were compromised and thus could not be used in future elections.

“I have this question, I don’t understand,” Fann said, “How can the Secretary of State say that she can’t certify the machines weren’t tampered with, when supposedly we have people that… certified people that come in to certify machines aren’t tampered with? It doesn’t make sense. Could you explain that to me please?”

“Madame President, I certainly undertand your confusion, and I share that with you,” Cotton said. “I’d also like to reiterate that as part of our evidence handling procedure, we had cameras watching over our evidence storage facilities and our acquisition and replication procedures 24/7.”

“So, any form of tampering certainly would have been caught,” he added.

Former Arizona Secretary of State and State Senate liaison Ken Bennett discussed the chain-of-custody procedures and the questions involving duplicated ballots.

The ballot boxes for the independent audit were received from Maricopa County and then locked up in cages with 24-hour guarded armed security, both inside and outside the facility, as well as 24-hour livestreamed surveillance video, Bennett said.

He said that there was “continuous and complete” chain-of-custody documentation for all the ballot boxes and voting equipment.

The Cyber Ninjas CEO Doug Logan revealed a number of alarming ballot issues. Many of the ballots had “bleed through” and printer calibration issues. Logan said there were “roughly 160,000” ballots-on-demand in Maricopa County on Election Day. These ballots were unlikely to be ‘Vote Safe’ by using standardized paper for elections.

Click here to read his full report.

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