In a short video posted to The Recount’s Twitter page, Former Trump advisor Jason Miller revealed that the Trump defense team has 301 witnesses “so far” that they’d like to call during the impeachment trial.

After the Senate voted to approve witnesses by a tally of 55-45, reporters caught up with Miller in the halls of the Senate to ask for more details about their path forward.

“In the hundreds? Jason? In the hundreds?” an eager reporter asks as Miller begins to walk away.

Miller then slowly walked back and showed a closeup of the first page of the witness list. In big black letters, the letter read “WITNESS LIST…301 (SO FAR)

Look below:

Looking at the image below, you can see that their top witnesses include:

  1. Nancy Pelosi
  2. Kamala Harris
  3. Chuck Schumer
  4. DC Mayor Muriel Bowser

Look below:

This is still a developing story. Stay tuned for more…


"The Coca Cola company is not happy with me -- that's okay, I'll still keep drinking that garbage" -Donald J. Trump