Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-Texas) announced Wednesday has tested positive for the coronavirus, an announcement which sparked petty, inappropriate, and childish admonition from Democrat House leaders including Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.)

In a short video posted to Twitter (see it here), Gohmert said that “the reports of my demise…are premature.”

He explained that he went to the White House to meet with President Donald Trump ahead of a trip the two of them were taking to Texas when he tested positive during normal coronavirus screening.

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“But they get false positives sometimes, so they retested me with the swab that goes way up in your sinuses, and when it finally came back, it was positive too,” he said. 

“So, I’m asymptomatic,” the Texas Republican declared, adding that he had received a text from Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) informing him that in about 10 days he should be immune from COVID-19 (Paul caught the virus earlier this summer).

The Texas Republican was laced by Pelosi and House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerrold Nadler because they’re petty, disgusting, and low enough to politicize someone’s misfortune.

MSNBC reporter Garrett Haake posted on Twitter that Pelosi expressed regret about the Texas Republican’s condition, but then appeared to chide him for it because of his refusal to wear masks.

“‘I’m so sorry for him,’ @SpeakerPelosi tells me of reports @replouiegohmert tested positive for COVID. ‘But I’m also sorry my members, who are concerned, because he has been showing up at meetings without a mask and making a thing of it,’” Haake wrote.

“‘Hopefully now he will look after his health, and others,’ the speaker continues,” he added.

Nadler said pretty much the same thing.

“I want to wish @replouiegohmert a full & speedy recovery,” he tweeted. “When individuals refuse to take the necessary precautions it puts everyone at risk. I’ve regularly instructed all Members to wear their masks and hope this is a lesson by all my colleagues.”

House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-Md.) also make it political.

“Too many Republicans have continued to act extraordinarily irresponsibly, including Louie Gohmert. Louie Gohmert ought to quarantine himself right now,” he said.

What dirtbags. 

Politico noted

Rep. Louie Gohmert — a Texas Republican who has been walking around the Capitol without a mask — has tested positive for the coronavirus, according to multiple sources.

Gohmert was scheduled to fly to Texas on Wednesday morning with President Donald Trump and tested positive in a pre-screen at the White House. The eighth-term Republican told CNN last month that he was not wearing a mask because he was being tested regularly for the coronavirus. …

At one point in Tuesday’s hearing, Chairman Jerry Nadler (D-N.Y.) chastised several Republicans for taking off their masks, though Gohmert was not among those he scolded.

“I would remind Mr. Jordan, Mr. Biggs and Mr. Johnson to stop violating the rules of the committee,” Nadler said, referring to Jim Jordan (R-Ohio), Arizona Rep. Andy Biggs and Louisiana Rep. Mike Johnson, three GOP lawmakers. “To stop violating the safety of the members of the committee. To stop holding themselves out as not caring by refusing to wear their masks.”

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Fun fact: While Nadler was busting everyone’s chops on the committee Tuesday over wearing masks, he was comically exposing himself and others to risks because his mask dangled off his round face like a slinky. 

Gohmert addressed those politicized lies and claims that he was “admonished” for not wearing a mask at Tuesday’s Judiciary Committee hearings with U.S. Attorney General William Barr.

“Look, I’ve worn a mask more for the last week or two than I have in the whole last four months. And I was wearing my mask at the Judiciary hearing,” he continued, pledging to be careful and take precautions not to spread the virus.


Kutztown grad specializing in political drama and commentary. Follow me on Facebook and Twitter.