On Wednesday, Republican Senator Mitt Romney announced that he had already voted in the 2020 election and that his casted vote was not for President Donald Trump.

“I did not vote for President Trump,” Romney said to CNN, refusing to state if he voted for Joe Biden or a different candidate.

Check out what Breitbart reported:

The news comes after Romney, who has long opposed President Trump and his America First agenda, and was the sole Republican senator to vote to convict the president during his impeachment trial, lashed out at the president for not unequivocally denouncing the QAnon theory during last Thursday’s town hall event.

“The President’s unwillingness to denounce an absurd and dangerous conspiracy theory last night continues an alarming pattern: politicians and parties refuse to forcefully and convincingly repudiate groups like antifa, white supremacists, and conspiracy peddlers,” the senator said in a Friday statement.

“As the parties rush down the rabbit hole, they may be opening a door to a political movement that could eventually eclipse them both,” he added.

In 2018, President Trump endorsed Romney in the Senate election to replace then-retiring Sen. Orrin Hatch (R-UT) — an endorsement Romney accepted.

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