In a country that is hopelessly divided ahead of an election that literally could make or break us as a republic, it’s like a cool breeze in the summertime to see some good news for a change.

The dirtbag who ambushed two Los Angeles County Sheriff deputies in Compton earlier month has been identified, arrested, and charged with two counts of attempted murder (and boy, are we glad those two deputies survived).

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According to Fox News, police have charged Deonte Lee Murray, 36, who was taken into custody Sept. 15 after a lengthy standoff in Lynwood.

Fox News has more:

The deputies, a 31-year-old woman and a 24-year-old man, were shot in the face and head while sitting in their patrol car near the Compton metro station. Both underwent surgery and have been released from the hospital. They are expected to make a full recovery.

At the time, Murray, who has suspected gang ties, was charged with one felony count each of carjacking, second-degree robbery and assault with a semiautomatic firearm – personal use of a firearm. The charges also included allegations of association with a criminal street gang, discharging a rifle inflicting great bodily injury and personal use of an [AR-15].

You may recall that the female deputy wound up becoming quite the hero. Despite being shot in the jaw and bleeding profusely, she retained enough of her wits to help her male partner out by staunching his bleeding and moving the two of them behind cover, where they awaited the cavalry (and EMS).

You may also recall stories of fellow dirtbags videoing the aftermath of the shooting instead of going to the officers’ assistance – because, you know, it’s much more preferable to get it all on video so you can mug for your friends than help a pair of deputies who have the gall to put on a uniform every day and try to help prevent society from unraveling.

Speaking of video, in some instances, it can be good, of course: Murray was caught by a surveillance camera walking up to the deputies’ police vehicle and opening fire before running away – video that, no doubt, helped lead to his arrest and being charged.

Police in our country truly do form a “thin blue line” – yeah, that’s right, we don’t mind saying that phrase – without which our society would collapse faster than the USS Enterprise in warp drive. So anytime we see such wanton targeting of the men and women protecting us, we take it very personally, as we’re sure the vast majority of our readers do.

Are police officers perfect? Nope. Not even close. They get some things wrong, too, like we all do.

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But what’s also true is that the vast majority of them are decent, good, people faithful to their duties as they try to do an extremely difficult and under-appreciated job in lousy conditions and for sub-standard pay. We literally cannot survive as a nation without them and anyone who thinks differently speaks from a position of having no experience with that.

Here’s to a long, lengthy, and difficult period of incarceration for Murray if he’s found guilty.

And Godspeed recovery to the deputies. 


Kutztown grad specializing in political drama and commentary. Follow me on Facebook and Twitter.