Though conservatives and supporters of President Donald Trump have long suspected that the “Spygate” operation launched against his 2016 campaign was a politically motivated sham, there is new evidence proving us correct.

According to numerous sources, newly discovered evidence confirms earlier suspicions that James Comey’s FBI knew well in advance that there was no “collusion” between the Russian government and the Trump campaign but that the exculpatory evidence was hidden in order to obtain FISA court warrants to spy on and undermine the president.

Fox News legal analyst Gregg Jarrett notes on his website:

A confidential human source (CHS) recruited by James Comey’s FBI secretly recorded a more than 4-hour conversation with George Papadopoulos on October 31, 2016.  Fox News secured and reviewed the 171-page transcript of the discussion, as well as CBS News.

At one point, the source pressed Papadopoulos, “I feel like there’s some heavy Trump supporters out there that kind of want to rig this f***ing election in Trump’s favor and then at the same time, I don’t know.”  The adviser responded, “Dude, you, you…there is no rigging in his favor.”

Jarrett writes that the transcript “reads like a bumbling interrogation gone terribly awry,” and that’s true. But at that point, neither Papadopoulos nor anyone else in the Trump campaign, had any idea the Obama administration had stooped so low as to put an opposition political candidate under government surveillance.

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The idea is so preposterous no one would have thought of it — that is, besides people so offended by Trump’s candidacy they refused to leave the election in the hands of the American people.

In any event, despite repeated prodding by the confidential source, Papadopoulos emphatically and consistently denied that the Trump campaign was colluding with Mother Russia to steal the election from Hillary Clinton.

But of course, none of this early information made it into the public. None of it was ‘leaked’ to the various ‘mainstream media’ outlets that were only too eager to publish the false and unsubstantiated allegations against the Trump campaign and, later, against the president.

Meanwhile, the Spygate operation was handed off by the Obama regime and extended into the president’s first years in office. Four FISA court warrants and a special counsel investigation later, we find there was no evidence to support the allegations of collusion because they were all fabricated to begin with.

Just as we suspected.

Jarrett notes further that elements of the Spygate operation appear to run afoul of the law:

Under federal regulations that govern both the FBI and DOJ, as well as the rules of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC), government officials were obligated to disclose this exculpatory information, but failed to do so.  They actively hid it from the court, congress and the American people.

Not for want of trying, no incriminating “collusion” evidence was ever obtained against Papadopoulos, Page, or anyone else associated with the Trump campaign.  No one was ever charged with a conspiracy-related offense because it never happened.  The malicious Comey and his team of rogue operators at the FBI knew it all along.

This matters because just this week, oddly enough, Attorney General William Barr made it extremely clear that anyone found to have broken the law in their mindless pursuit of a president they deemed undeserving of his office will be prosecuted.

In an interview with Fox News’ Laura Ingraham, Barr said that Trump “has every right to be frustrated because I think what happened to him was one of the greatest travesties in American history.”

Further, he noted that the U.S. attorney he put on the case, John Durham, isn’t conducting his investigate to ‘write a report’ but rather to seek indictments and prosecutions of suspected criminal behavior.

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“Without any basis, they started this investigation of his campaign and more concerning actually is what happened after the campaign, the whole pattern of events while he was president…to sabotage the presidency and I think that…or at least had the effect of sabotaging the presidency,” he said. And, if people broke the law, and we can establish that with the evidence, they will be prosecuted.”


Kutztown grad specializing in political drama and commentary. Follow me on Facebook and Twitter.