Although the mainstream media wanted President Trump to “concede”, he refused.

He is fighting until the very end for the American people, and his press conference made that VERY CLEAR.

Here are some of the best moments from his statements:

TRUMP: “In Pennsylvania, Democrats have gone to the state Supreme Court to try and ban our election observers… they’re trying obviously to commit fraud and there’s no question about that.”

Watch below:

TRUMP: “As everyone now recognizes, media polling was election interference in the truest sense of that word… designed to keep our voters at home, create the illusion of momentum for Mr. Biden, and diminish Republicans’ ability to raise funds.”

Watch below:

“Detroit and Philadelphia— known as two of the most corrupt political places anywhere in our country, easily— cannot be responsible for deciding the outcome of this race.”

Watch below:

“Our goal is to defend the integrity of the election. We’ll not allow it to steal such an important election, or any election for that matter.”

Watch below:

“Democrats are the party of the big donors, the big media, the Big Tech,it seems, and Republicans have become the party of the American worker and that’s what’s happened. And we’re also I believe the party of inclusion.”

Watch below:

Great speech. He did NOT concede!

Stay tuned for more….


"The Coca Cola company is not happy with me -- that's okay, I'll still keep drinking that garbage" -Donald J. Trump