President Trump’s legions of supporters, as well as Americans who didn’t vote for him but nevertheless do not wish ill of our presidents, got a critical update from the commander-in-chief himself early Saturday following his diagnosis with COVID-19 a day ago.

It looks like he’s doing alright, and that’s according to him.

“Doctors, Nurses and ALL at the GREAT Walter Reed Medical Center, and others from likewise incredible institutions who have joined them, are AMAZING!!! Tremendous progress has been made over the last 6 months in fighting this PLAGUE. With their help, I am feeling well!” Trump tweeted.

This crucial update comes amid separate reports citing ‘a source close to the president’ — yes, one of those sources — who claim there is some cause for concern.

According to The Wall Street Journal:

People close to President Trump offered conflicting messages about his health on Saturday after he tested positive for coronavirus, as his physician said he was happy with the U.S. leader’s condition while a person familiar with Mr. Trump’s health said there was more cause for concern.

In a briefing in front of the Walter Reed military hospital Saturday, Dr. Sean Conley said that the president’s symptoms of a mild cough, nasal congestion and fatigue were improving and that he hadn’t had a fever for 24 hours. But he didn’t give a date for the president’s release and declined to provide a definitive answer on whether Mr. Trump had ever received supplemental oxygen, despite repeated pressing.

After Dr. Conley concluded his briefing, a person familiar with the president’s health told reporters that Mr. Trump’s vitals over the last 24 hours were very concerning and that the next 48 hours would be critical. “We’re still not on a clear path to a full recovery,” the person said.

Earlier, Walter Reed Medical Center pulmonologist Dr. Sean Dooley pushed back on fake claims from CNN’s chief White House correspondent Jim Acosta (who else) that the president was having difficulty breathing, a tell-tale sign that coronavirus is impacting a victim greatly.

“The president this morning is not on oxygen, not having difficulty breathing or walking around,” Dooley announced at a presser around noon Saturday.

He added: “He is in good spirits. We were completing the rounds this morning, the quote he left us with was, “I feel like I could walk out of here today.’ That was very encouraging from him.”

Here’s the press conference:

Frankly, if the information this ‘source’ provided to the WSJ was false, this is utterly contemptible because it was obviously done to hurt or weaken the president.

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Already, there are Democrats and other opponents of the president using his illness for political gain — ‘the guy who didn’t believe coronavirus was real,’ and all that garbage.

They don’t care that our enemies and competitors abroad are also paying very close attention to President Trump’s condition — which might be part of why he himself is communicating to us directly, because he can’t trust the media.

In any event, who have Trump supporters grown accustomed to providing them with the straight-up story, the president himself or the media who hate him?


Kutztown grad specializing in political drama and commentary. Follow me on Facebook and Twitter.