Moments ago, President Trump made his first on-camera appearance in several days following a week of total chaos in Washington DC. Make sure to watch the video as soon as possible, because the big tech giants will likely remove his words from the internet very soon.

Why, you ask? Because President Trump called for more peace in the country. Last week, you saw a coordinated effort from big tech and the entire Mainstream media to remove President Trump from the internet after video evidence showed he called for peace rather than violence.

In his new chat with reporters, he doubled down on denouncing all forms of violence.

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We want no violence, never violence, absolutely no violence. On the impeachment, it’s really a continuation of the greatest witch hunt in the history of politics…I think it’s causing tremendous danger in to our country…I want no violence,‘ Trump said before boarding his plane to Texas.

Watch below:

Trump doubled down on his opposition of impeachment by saying ‘it’s absolutely ridiculous’.

Make sure to share this video as soon as possible before big tech has it wiped clean from the internet!

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"The Coca Cola company is not happy with me -- that's okay, I'll still keep drinking that garbage" -Donald J. Trump