On Tuesday afternoon, the communists at Twitter locked independent journalist Kyle Becker out of his account without giving any particular reason. They vaguely told him he “violated” guidelines, but didn’t actually give him specifics.

However, we know the real reason for the suspension is that they hate free speech.

With nearly 200k Twitter followers, Kyle is one of the top independent journalists online, and they clearly despise that fact.

If you’re a TrendingPolitics reader, you’ve no doubt seen hundreds of articles from Kyle on this site. He has been a valuable contributor who helps fight the good fight against the tyrannical Biden administration.

Apparently, he was doing such a good job that Twitter wants him silenced.

Here’s the message he got from Twitter:

For now, his Twitter account is still live, but he is unable to login.

Editor’s note: Kyle Becker’s account is now back and active. He appreciates all the support that he has gotten from his followers and fellow journalists.

You can follow Kyle’s Telegram here for any updates he might post –> https://t.me/s/beckernews


"The Coca Cola company is not happy with me -- that's okay, I'll still keep drinking that garbage" -Donald J. Trump