If there’s one thing Twitter hates, it’s when conservatives call for peaceful protests.

Prominent conservative Dan Bongino was locked out of his Twitter account for 12 hours after he posted President Donald Trump’s call to “go home peacefully” on January 6th. In response, Bongino said he is done with the far-left platform for good.

This is the same call to peace that got Trump banned from the social media giants like Facebook, Twitter and Snapchat.

Radio host Mark Levin posted Bongino’s response after he was censored:

“I got locked out of Twitter for posting the Trump taped speech,” Levin quoted Bongino. “As a result, I’m leaving the platform permanently for Parler. I’ll post my final tweet and message for twitter tomorrow when the 12 hour lockdown ends.”

Here’s how Bongino responded on Parler:

“IMPORTANT. The communists at Twitter locked my account for posting a statement by the President of the United States. As a result of the Twitter totalitarian’s descent into tyranny and madness, I will no longer be posting there. I will make one last post tomorrow with a message for the Twitter communists. As always, I’ll be active here on Parler where we value free speech, he said.

Here was Twitters “warning” to Bongino right after they suspended him:

Trump’s call to peace is still posted on our TrendingPolitics YouTube channel. Watch it while you still can:


"The Coca Cola company is not happy with me -- that's okay, I'll still keep drinking that garbage" -Donald J. Trump