Looks like the attempt by radical Leftists to carve a utopia out of several city blocks in Seattle has failed miserably, as reported noted Saturday that one person was killed and another wounded by gunfire overnight.

So much for ‘gun control.’

As The Epoch Times reported:

Seattle police confirmed in a statement that the shooting took place at 10th Avenue and East Pine, but did not provide further details.

It was not clear whether any suspects were in custody following the incident in what’s alternatively known as the Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone (CHAZ) and the Capitol Hill Occupied Protest (CHOP).

A livestream from the area following the shooting featured an announcement of the victim’s death to a group of people at the protest camp.

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“The gentleman that got shot did pass,” a woman announces in a video posted to social media. “For those of you that are unaware, he is gone, he is no longer with us.”

The Epoch Times further noted that some witnesses reported hearing three to six gunshots in the area around 2:20 a.m. Saturday morning, citing the Capitol Hill Seattle Blog. 

So, CHAZ/CHOPsters would want police and emergency medical personnel to arrive as quickly as possible in order to treat and possibly save the victims – right?


The Seattle Police Department noted in a statement that officers and emergency personnel were met with…hostility and more violence.

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“Officers attempted to locate a shooting victim but were met by a violent crowd that prevented officers safe access to the victims. Officers were later informed that the victims, both males, had been transported to Harborview Medical Center by CHOP medics,” the department said in a statement. 

“Officers responded to Harborview and were informed that one of the victims, a 19-year-old male, had died from injuries. The other victim, also a male, unknown age, remains in the hospital with life-threatening injuries. The suspect or suspect(s) fled and are still at large. There is no description at this time,” the statement added.

Did you get that? Not only is there violence in the utopia, the utopians use violence willingly and often to prevent others from helping them. Oh, and let’s not forget that whoever did the shooting is probably going to get away scot-free because it’s not very likely that any utopian member in good standing is going rat them out.

Yes, this is our future, folks, if the Left ever fully gains control of our country.

Meanwhile, others are pleading for leadership – from someone in Seattle and Washington with the titles ‘mayor’ and ‘governor,’ respectively.

In an interview with “Fox & Friends” Saturday, Seattle Police Officers Guild President Michael Solan.

“Early this morning, that violence was raw and real where one of our community members lost their life and police are still not allowed into that area and were prevented to providing that police service to the area to locate victors and/or render aid. [It’s] very troubling what’s going on,” Solan said.

“It can’t stand in America, and this is a direct result of city leadership, elected officials failing the reasonable community of Seattle to enforce the rule of law,” Solan added. “And, this just isn’t the area occupied in a six-block zone where police are still forbidden and still don’t have their East precinct. This is now impacting our entire city.

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“And again, we’re left wondering what’s next?” he asked. “And, now our elected officials have removed our ability to have less lethal chemical munitions that are effective for us to disburse unruly violent crowds to protect those police facilities — let alone ourselves.”

“So, we’re in a very, very troubling time in Seattle and it’s deeply concerning that…Everybody across this country needs to be aware of what’s going on in Seattle,” he noted further.

Oh, we’re aware, alright. But most Americans don’t have a voice or a vote in Seattle and Washington State. So it’s up to people living there to address this lunacy.


Kutztown grad specializing in political drama and commentary. Follow me on Facebook and Twitter.