As more evidence and data come in, and as more research is done on the coronavirus, we’re learning things that will most definitely help us get our country back open again and our economy revitalized.

In fact, Fox News political analyst Brit Hume believes that with each passing day, the case to continue lockdowns becomes “weaker and weaker,” as he noted in an interview with network host Martha McCallum Tuesday.

“You say that with each passing day, the argument for this lockdown, this nationwide lockdown, gets weaker and weaker,” MacCallum said after introducing Hume. “What do you mean by that?”

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“Two things,” said Hume. “First the collateral damage from it is extraordinary.”

Hume noted that one of the biggest reasons, initially, to shut down the country was to “protect our medical system from being overwhelmed.” That hasn’t happened. In fact, he said, “hospitals are failing across the country,” and that will be far more detrimental to our country than more coronavirus infections.

“The damage to our medical, our health care system it seems to me is something we really have to take into account here,” said the Fox News correspondent. “It’s very serious.”

The second thing is the “economic damage” and “budgetary harm” we’re doing to the country and to states.

“We are saddling our country and future generations with debt on a scale that was already high and now it is far, far worse. Not to mention the toll on businesses with which won’t reopen and so on. The unemployment,” he continued.

“The consequences for children being locked up at home and not being able to go to school with their friends and be outside, the mental health issues that arise from that, the domestic …. violence … That’s part of it, the damage from it.”

Noting that coronavirus “overwhelmingly affects elderly people and those with serious underlying medical conditions,” he added that “everyone else is much less vulnerable, down to children who seem almost totally invulnerable to catching the disease.”

Meanwhile, however, the normal seasonal flu does infect and kill children — yet we haven’t shut down our country over influenza.

“This is not in my view all about simply we are so good at the mitigation efforts,” Hume said after noting how the virus just has not spread to places outside major metropolitan areas like New York City.

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“I think there’s reason to believe that this disease turned out, outside of certain populations, not to be not early as severe and dangerous as we thought and certainly the death rates I think will end up reflecting that,” he said.

He also noted that, early on, the two White House coronavirus task force experts, Drs. Anthony Fauci and Deborah Birx, could have used dire early prediction models of mayhem and widespread death to ensure people followed social distancing guidelines — instead of using them to shut down the country.

“I think Doctor Fauci and Birx were content to sort of let that happen, because I think they were afraid that people wouldn’t socially distance and people wouldn’t engage in the mitigation efforts, and the result is we have a terrified population and we have people wearing masks while out jogging in Central Park,” said Hume.


Kutztown grad specializing in political drama and commentary. Follow me on Facebook and Twitter.