It’s becoming clear that even in the country’s ‘hot spots,’ the coronavirus pandemic is waning.

And yet, as predicted by conservatives, hard-Left Democratic governors are attempting to prolong the ‘crisis’ by extending stay-at-home orders and continuing to shut off livelihoods by keeping businesses shuttered due to ‘social distancing’ requirements some experts now believe was a mistake.

But again, as the pandemic begins its downward trend, Democrat tyrants are running out of excuses to keep people locked down. And the people are beginning to resent it.

As reported by the UK’s Daily Mail, local sheriffs and some cities in California are pushing back against Gov. Gavin Newsom (D) after he released a list of ‘approved activities’ while keeping his state on virtual lockdown, including preventing beaches — one of the state’s most popular attractions — from being open.

The paper noted:

The Democrat said millions of the state’s residents can still meditate, play singles badminton, climb trees, ride a bike or watch the sunrise while complying with social distancing.

Many who have been stuck inside for weeks criticized him for policing the population, mocked him for trying to be an ‘all-powerful’ leader and said his suggestions came straight from a California tourism commercial. 

‘Oh, thank you, great and powerful governor, for your wisdom and gracious benevolence!’

But already, jurisdictions are telling the gov no.

Officials in Modoc County, in the northern part of the state, have already said they’re doing to defy Newsom by allowing bars and restaurants to reopen, as Huntington Beach and Dana Point councils voted to sue the administration for closing beaches in their cities.

Meanwhile, Orange County Sheriff Don Barnes pledged “not to take enforcement action” against his citizens because he believes his community has been “singled out” while the state has “failed to recognize the sacrifices made” by citizens.

“Governor Newsom’s mandate to close all beaches in Orange County today was a jarring decision that significantly impacts us here in Huntington Beach,” said Mayor Lyn Semeta in a statement.

“Given that Orange County has among the lowest per-capita COVID-19 death rates in California, the action by the state prioritizes politics over data, in direct contradiction of the Governor’s stated goal to allow science and facts to guide our response to this horrible global pandemic,” Semeta continued.

Meanwhile, California Republican Party Vice Chairwoman Harmeet Dhillon said Newsom has gone “off the deep end” with his closure of the state’s beaches.

“The goalposts keep moving with this governor. At the beginning of this crisis, many of us were complimentary of his willingness to work with our president but in the last couple of weeks, he’s really gone in the opposite direction,” she told Fox News’ Laura Ingraham.

“I feel like I’m back in grade school and the State of California or Orange County or whatever target of the day is being sent to the principal’s office,” she added. “There’s no due process, there’s nobody to appeal to and there is no connection between your behavior and the punishment that you’re experiencing.”

The Daily Mail noted that as of Friday morning, Orange County had 2,393 cases of coronavirus and just 45 deaths.

And Bob Williams, the chairman of Tehama County’s Board of Supervisors, in Northern California, noted that his community shouldn’t be treated the same as Los Angeles, for instance, because the incidence of disease is so much lower: Only one case.

“Is it fair to treat Tehama the same as LA County?” he told the Los Angeles Times.

A leaked memo from Newsom’s office to the California Police Chief’s Association that surfaced Wednesday indicated that he planned to close all beaches and state parks indefinitely. But the order now just applies to those in Orange County.

“We want you to see sunsets,” Newsom said. “We want you to enjoy activities outdoors. What they don’t want is people congregating outside in large groups.”


Kutztown grad specializing in political drama and commentary. Follow me on Facebook and Twitter.