“Mike Lindell, the CEO of MyPillow and a staunch supporter of former President Donald Trump, said TV stations around the country are refusing to air his company’s commercials if he’s in them.”

That’s the latest effort, as reported by Newsweek, by the desperate ruling class to silence critics, opponents, and dissidents in Joe Biden’s globalist regime. Mike Lindell, an outspoken voice in the fight to retain and restore God-given rights and freedoms in this once-great nation, is again the target of cancel culture. As with Donald Trump, the left’s incessant effort to silence Lindell is a message for the rest of us: Shut up and do what you’re told.

Thankfully, as with Trump, Mike Lindell is not backing down. He was interviewed ahead of the former president’s weekend Michigan rally and had this to say about the latest attack on his ability to spread his message on the television airwaves. Take a watch below:

“These are smaller – I don’t even have the list, but when – when I get the list, you will be the first one to get it. I just heard it on Friday. I said what?

And believe me, They will never get to sell my product again, just like those box stores. When you leave, it’s goodbye, have a nice day.”

Good for Mike Lindell. Despite his inability to both sell and advertise his product through major channels, he has no shortage of customers. His cancellation also emboldens us, because if anything, it makes us want to spend our money at companies who share our values and don’t turn around to advance a degenerate woke message.

What’s insane is that the left will stop at nothing to get Lindell to disappear. He alluded to being boxed out of retail stores in his interview about being dropped as an advertiser, but even these two events don’t fully capture how much he is targeted by the powerful cartels of Big Money and Big Business.

Trending Politics previously covered a story from February about how Lindell’s Minnesota-based bank was effectively closing all of his accounts.

We wrote this at the time:

“Mike says that, according to it, Minnesota Bank & Trust is planning on closing his accounts on February 18th.

And not only is it kicking him and his accounts out, it’s also threatening him, claiming it will take action if the account isn’t just like it wants it when it unceremoniously boots him and his accounts for no reason other than him being an outspoken patriot.

According to Mike, the accounts that are being closed include the bank accounts for two of his primary platforms for discussing voter fraud, Lindell TV and FrankSpeech.”

It is worth recalling that the only reason Mike Lindell is so hated on the woke left is because he threatens their narrative of the 2020 presidential election. According to the same Newsweek article, this is how they all view him:

“Lindell is one of Trump’s fiercest allies and a fervent promoter of the false claim that the 2020 election was stolen due to widespread voter fraud and “hacked” voting machines. There is no evidence to support those allegations and election and cybersecurity experts have repeatedly disproved them. Lindell, however, continues to travel across the country to promote the conspiracy theories.

The MyPillow CEO, who is estimated to have a net worth between $50 million and $300 million, has already spent at least $35 million to push the unsubstantiated claims. He has vowed to continue spending “every dime” he has to back the former president, and maintains that his efforts have so far not been “in vain.””

Why are they trying so hard to protect their narrative? Is Lindell getting too close to the truth?
