Fox News’ Tucker Carlson told viewers Monday that thanks to journalistic malpractice by the ‘mainstream’ media, Democrat Joe Biden, who could stumble into the White House next month, is continuing to avoid having to talk about his corrupt son (and, perhaps, the former VP’s own corruption).

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In his opening segment, Carlson warned about a “new kind of democracy” under Biden – one that excuses nefarious foreign business dealings with up-and-coming threats to the U.S., like China.

“So if you’ve been watching the news, you’ve got to give some credit to whichever MSNBC contributor who wrote the words of that Joe Biden’s speech earlier. If you didn’t know better, if you had no context, you might think everything is better now. The great orange emergency is finally over,” Carlson said, referencing Biden speaking after the Electoral College cast a majority of its ballots for him.

“Joe Biden wants you to know he didn’t run for president three times because he craves power, or because he seeks to enrich his ne’er-do-well relatives, or because he has a vast empty space inside that only the adulation of strangers can fill,” the Fox News host added with a heavy dose of sarcasm. “No, not at all. He ran for president because he deeply cares about you.”

“What matters, Joe Biden wants you to know is that this is a democracy, always has been, always will be and by electing Biden and the small secretive group of billionaires who choreograph his every move, this country has become even more democratic,” Carlson noted further, adding it’s the “kind of democracy in which 11 left-wing billionaires who fund his campaigns run everything.”

“That’s the Chinese model of democracy that Joe Biden and his friends so admire. So get used to it, America. It’s a new kind of democracy,” said the popular host. “In China, people in power don’t have to answer questions, so neither does Joe Biden.”

Carlson went on to say that Joe Biden is refusing to answer questions about his son Hunter’s business dealings even as a “federal criminal investigation relating to tax fraud stemming from his business deals in China” is ongoing.

“So why isn’t Joe Biden willing to answer even basic questions about his son’s foreign business dealings? The ones where he had lucrative arrangements, very lucrative arrangements with companies directly tied to the Communist Party of China?” he asked.

“Well, possibly it’s because Joe Biden himself was directly involved in those deals and has been lying about them. We’ve been telling you that for more than a month, and now, it is obvious,” Carlson said.

“One of Hunter Biden’s former business partners, Tony Bobulinski already presented contemporaneous documentation proving that. The reason the Press Corps and their allies in Silicon Valley did everything they could to bury that story is that they knew perfectly well that more evidence was coming, and it’s arrived. That’s evidence that they can’t suppress,” Carlson told his prime-time viewers, citing new email evidence gleaned from Hunter Biden’s emails.

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“If all this seems a little dodgy to you, not quite as straightforward business deal, you should know that back in 2019, Joe Biden wasn’t repeating the same line about being proud of his son,” Carlson noted. “No, he went on the record and denied he knew anything about his son’s business relationships abroad, including with Chinese communists, the very same relationships that were slated to make him rich.”

“This isn’t even a solid cover. The point of the Biden political operation, one of them anyway, from the very beginning has been to make as much money influence-peddling as possible,” said Carlson while going on to point out the former VP has managed to live well in sprawling homes on a government salary while Hunter Bidenw as able to “go from unemployable to rich virtually overnight.”

“If you’re going to restore democracy, the rest of us have a right to know exactly where the money came from. What did they do for it? And what effect is it going to have on the country going forward?” Carlson said.

“In a democracy, that’s a very basic request, and there’s nothing democratic about ignoring the question,” he concluded. “In fact, it just confirms what’s obvious, which is they don’t plan to govern us as a democracy, but instead as an oligarchy.”


Kutztown grad specializing in political drama and commentary. Follow me on Facebook and Twitter.