The lead attorney who represented former President Donald J. Trump during the Senate impeachment trial farce just put on a clinic on how to handle a dishonest media that is in the bag for the Democrats.

In a video that has gone viral, defense Michael Van Der Veen absolutely demolished Laura Zak during an interview where she defended the House impeachment managers’ doctoring of evidence.

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The interview began innocently enough when Zak questioned Van Der Veen about Republican Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell’s disgusting speech that went down after the vote.

From there it quickly deteriorated with Zak repeatedly talking over Van Der Veen, who called her out for trivializing the actions of the Jamie Raskin-led legal tricksters for manipulating and falsifying evidence including Twitter posts.

After eventually defeating Zak’s filibuster of nonsense, Van Der Veen turned the rest of the interview into a damning verdict on the entire media.

Check it out:

[W]hat I’m telling you is they doctored evidence,” he said.

“I believe your question says, ‘Well, it’s only a Twitter check and changing a year of a date here.’ They switched the date of Twitter a year to try to connect it to this case. That’s not a small thing, ma’am. The other thing they did is they put a checkmark on something to make it look like it was a validated account when it wasn’t. And when they were caught, they didn’t say anything about it. They didn’t even try to come up with an excuse about it. That’s not the way our prosecutors or our government officials should be conducting themselves.”

And the media shouldn’t be letting them get away with it either,” Van Der Veen added.

“I’m tired of the biased media on both sides, left and right. What this country wants, what this country needs is this country to come together, to take the left and the right and find a middle ground, and start responsibly being our public officials, being our elected officials. And one of the reasons why they do it is because of the media — because the media wants to tell their narrative rather than just telling it like it is. And frankly, I’m tired of it,” he concluded.

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An overmatched Zak never knew what hit her.

The Philadelphia-based Van Der Veen also demolished the Raskin, who he outmaneuvered at every turn despite the Dems’ falsification of evidence.

He was then “rewarded” with having his house vandalized by one of the roving hate mobs that serve as the Democrats’ shock troops.

Despite her being battered by Van Der Veen, don’t expect Zak or any of the other Democrats in the media to moderate their tones if anything, they will now double-down on their divisive deceptiveness.
