There used to be nothing quite so ‘America’ as baseball.

Mom, apple pie, Chevy, the Fourth of July, Christmas, church on Sunday, hard work, sound ethics, Pledge of Allegiance, the American military, police officers…all of these uniquely American institutions have been attacked and many destroyed by a relentless cultural assault by the Left for half a century.

Now, another American tradition, Major League Baseball, has fallen victim to the assault, and of course, the America haters in Hollywood couldn’t be happier.

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As the MLB season finally got underway on Thursday following a lengthy and pointless ‘coronavirus’ delay, the virtual signaling team owners and league officials made sure to bend their knee – literally – to the Marxist “Black Lives Matter” movement in a blatant display of political preference that very likely will have long-term repercussions in terms of a diminished fan base.

Breitbart News reported:

Hollywood celebrities cheered their approval when major league baseball players took a knee during Thursday’s season opening games on both sides of the country. The players, who were sometimes joined by their coaches, knelt during the playing of The Star-Spangled Banner.

The kneeling was their way of paying tribute to the Black Lives Matter movement as well as to former NFL star Colin Kaepernick, who started the trend when he began kneeling during the national anthem at football games. President Donald Trump has expressed his disapproval of kneeling during the national anthem, saying that he will stop watching sporting events in which athletes show disrespect for the American flag.

“Watching the Dodger/Giant game. The tribute to BLM with everyone kneeling gives me the chills and makes me proud to be an American,” Rob Reiner tweeted. 

“A great day for baseball,” Bette Midler wrote.

“I LOVE YOU, BASEBALL,” added Alyssa Milano.

Other celebrities cheering the kneeling include Don Cheadle, Mary McCormack, Michael Rappaport, and Vincent D’Onofrio, among others.

Apparently, none of these ‘stars’ gets the fact that protesting during a song celebrating the birth of the country is about as anti-American as it gets. But who said these people are smart?

Hating is easy. Loving something enough to want to nurture and defend it is much harder, which explains why these cowards are taking the easy road.

Few of them have sacrificed anything for the country they deride – the same one that enriched them and their families. 

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They take, but they don’t give back unless it’s venom wrapping in vitriol and smothered in disdain.

The Left has no soul, no conscience, no aptitude for or appreciation of what it’s like to live in the greatest country on the planet. And if that’s not what they believe, then it behooves them to find that utopia on Earth and embrace it freely and openly.

Baseball, like the NFL, the NBA, NASCAR, and most other professional American sports leagues have decided that they would rather cater to a vocal Marxist minority group rather than do the right thing and be leagues for all Americans.

Let them reap poverty and insignificance.


Kutztown grad specializing in political drama and commentary. Follow me on Facebook and Twitter.