For the past four years, Democrats and their left-wing allies in the ‘mainstream media’ have refused to accept the fact that Donald Trump kicked electoral booty in 2016 to defeat the most criminally investigated presidential nominee in the history of the republic (or darned close).

Hillary Clinton wasn’t just a bad candidate, she is a bad person who, in this writer’s opinion, should have been wearing a prison-stripe pantsuit a long time ago.

Be that as it may, the left adopted a “resistance” movement following Trump’s election that persisted right up until the moment several media outlets ‘declared’ that Joe Biden defeated Trump on Election Day.

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We still don’t know that officially, by the way; media outlets don’t determine voting outcomes, voters do after states certify their results, and right now the actual winner remains in flux as the Trump campaign prepares lawsuits challenging a trove of voter irregularities.

Nevertheless, Democrats and their leftist media pals are claiming Biden won and as such, are behaving as though he has. And one of their demands is that we ‘put aside all this division and resistance,’ that we ‘come together in unity,’ and essentially let bygones be bygones – no ‘resistance’ to a Biden-Harris administration.

Uh, no, says former U.S. Rep. Jason Chaffetz, now a Fox News contributor.

Writing at the outlet’s news site, the Utah Republican noted the hypocrisy in a column filled with truth bombs that blasted away at the ‘unity’ charade that is now emanating from Democrats who never accepted Trump’s victory:

Remember when Democrats called for peace and unity in the days following the 2016 election of Donald Trump? Neither do I. 

In fact, I remember my congressional office being inundated with angry calls from people alleging voter fraud, demanding investigations, and insisting Donald Trump could not be allowed to assume the presidency.  

Back then, they wanted a special prosecutor, criminal investigations, lawsuits, and congressional hearings to ensure there would be no peaceful transition of power. 

In the months following, the “Resistance” was born. Clinton voters, many from outside my district, packed my town hall in the days following the presidential inauguration.

They carried out a well-documented plan to disrupt the meeting, displace many actual constituents, and shout me down.  Similar acts of sabotage were replicated around the country, all following a script developed by Resistance activists. 

Back then, we were assured protests were the American way. As I recall, when Donald Trump won Joe Biden was the vice president. Never heard a peep from him about unity.

Now is now, however.

“But now in 2020, as Joe Biden proclaims himself the president-elect, it’s a ‘time to heal.’ Convenient,” Chaffetz wrote.

“When Democrats hold power, we must be unified, and our opposition must be silent. Not to be confused with the rules when Republicans hold power – which are that Resistance is as American as apple pie,” he added.

Is there any good news? Yes.

First, it’s possible that Trump may still pull off a victory via court actions. Based on a lot of reporting we’ve seen, there is certainly enough chicanery involving alleged election theft to pursue legal remedies, though we’re not sure how reversals are possible at this point, save GOP-controlled state legislatures deciding to award contested contests to the president.

But the Republicans did pick up House seats, and are on a path to retain control of the Senate. Also, the party expanded its control of state legislatures and gained another GOP governor in Montana, while adding Republicans to Nancy Pelosi’s Dem-controlled House.

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All in all, 2020 wasn’t a complete wash for the GOP. 

But this ‘call for unity’ among some of the Democrat Party’s biggest haters is ludicrous. 

The GOP is now ‘the resistance.’ The Democrats blazed the ‘not my president’ trail; we’re just going to follow the path they made.


Kutztown grad specializing in political drama and commentary. Follow me on Facebook and Twitter.