It should be obvious now to any rational mind that the militant extremist Left in America is utilizing the unfortunate killing of George Floyd to completely upend American society and try to plunge the country into perpetual chaos they somehow believe they’ll be able to control.

That is evidenced by the growing calls from Marxist organizations to “defund the police” and, where possible, get rid of cops altogether, including in schools – even as the Left continue to complain about the high incidence of school shootings, proving that you just can’t mollify or satisfy a liberal.

On Monday, United Teachers Los Angeles, the L.A. Unified School District’s union representing about 30,000 members, called for completely eliminating the 400-person school police force and redirecting the department’s $70 million annual budget to ‘counselors’ or something, the Los Angeles Times reported.

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Because now, post-George Floyd, the school’s diverse police force has suddenly become a symbol of racism.

“We have to dismantle white supremacy. We must … defund the police and bring in the mental health services that our students need,” Cecily Myart-Cruz, the incoming president of UTLA, told reporters.

Last week, as riots still raged and Americans lost businesses, personal property, and their lives, the union board voted 35-2 to begin a “process” for removing cops from schools. Ultimately, the entire union will vote on whether to “take money out of the school police department and put it directly into mental health support, counselors, academic counselors,” current UTLA president Alex Caputo-Pearl said. “We can have 800 mental health supporters by using that money.”

The Times adds: 

The movement to defund school police has been a concern of education equity advocates for year. But the nationwide protestsover the death of George Floyd and calls to defund the Los Angeles Police Department and some others throughout the country nationwide reinvigorated their calls in the past days.

The union leadership endorsement and public announcement during a labor news conference with Black Lives Matter Los Angeles bring an influential voice to what is certain to be an intense debate over school safety. 

School police are necessary to keep the peace at schools and are trained in deescalate situations better than other officers, who would be called to campuses in their absence, said Gil Gamez, president of the school police union.

“We are trained different. We have a vested interest … we had restorative justice [training], our police officers come from the communities they serve,” Gamez told the Times. Many, he said, are L.A. Unified graduates and work closely with school counselors. “To see us be demonized and ostracized, I don’t get it.”

Tell it to the NYPD, which is facing similar demonization and ostracizing despite keeping the city from tumbling into uncontrollable anarchy last week.  

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Dorsey High School student Sarah Djato, 16, told the Times she saw L.A. School Police pepper-spray classmates last year that impacted them and others in the area. Naturally, she blamed racism – not whatever violent act led to the spraying, which no doubt was caused by a student or students.

“When you’re having this continuously happen … to black students, it becomes in our minds that that is normal and that’s the way we’re supposed to treat situations and you defuse it by force, and that violence is OK and violence is normal,” she told the Times.

The question needs to be asked by the ‘mainstream media’ but it won’t be asked because of cowardice: How responsible is the black community and its leaders for any perceptions or misperceptions others may have of them? Because it isn’t all due to ‘racism.’ We know that because the data and the facts don’t bear it out.


Kutztown grad specializing in political drama and commentary. Follow me on Facebook and Twitter.