Project Veritas has done it again, folks. This time they’ve captured what appears to be a New York City middle school teacher indoctrinating students to become radical left-wing foot soldiers by changing the words to the Pledge of Allegiance and showing them the proper way to throw bricks at people during protests.

The leftists in this country are raising up an army. Their soldiers are your children who are being fed into the progressive machine of public education and spit out as radicals willing to crush anyone who believes in liberty with bricks, both metaphorically and literally. It’s sickening and depraved.

According to a report published by Just the News, Ariane Franco, an English teacher unknowingly informed the journalist with Project Veritas that she taught the children in her class that there are “strategic ways” to throw bricks.

“Doing it to our own communities does not make sense,” she went on to say in the video. “You got to go after people who it’s not directly affecting. … Throw it at the people that are actually doing the things that [need to] change.”

Later in the video, Franco then cites some examples of “crazy organizations” whose members have adopted the throwing bricks strategy of “protesting.” She then stated that she is “challenging” the Pledge of Allegiance by having the students in her class change the words and refuse to stand up for the pledge.

“Attempts to learn whether Franco’s school district knows about the video and has a response have so far been unsuccessful,” the report said.

It seems that Franco has since deleted her social media accounts since the video was published.

This is the kind of insanity that children are being exposed to in public schools, especially those that are located in major urban cities like New York. Teachers in those parts of the country are largely young and left-wing, which means that for eight hours a day, many kids are being exposed over and over again to this twisted progressive worldview. And this happens five days a week.

I’m sorry to say this, but it’s something parents need to hear. No amount of time you spend with your child outside of the classroom will be sufficient to undo the poisoning they receive for all of those hours a year. If you hear a lie enough times, you might start to believe it is true.

So what do we do?

Well, for starters, we abolish the Department of Education at the federal level. Control over education should be as close to the parents as possible, with plenty of room for their feedback on how they want their child to be taught. And to answer those demands, the education system should be privatized. I know that’s a dirty word for some folks, but when you increase competition, you increase quality and affordability.

Privatizing schools would provide folks with options in their town for how they want their kids to be taught. If a parent doesn’t like what’s being taught at one school, they can transfer the student to a new place. It’s that simple.

Maybe one day this will become a reality.
