The New York Times, a publication that has become unashamedly left-wing in recent years, appears to now be censoring the brand spanking new bestselling book from Dick Morris, “The Return: Trump’s Big 2024 Comeback.” Not surprising, seeing as the NY Times has been anti-Trump from the get-go and has sought to push any kind of negative narrative that would make former President Donald Trump look like a villain.

Currently, according to a report from Newsmax, Morris’ book is sitting on top of several different bestseller lists, which includes Amazon, Publisher’s Weekly, and a few others. Guess which list doesn’t have it at all? The New York Times nonfiction list.

via Newsmax:

Based on retail sales compiled by Bookscan for the week of Aug. 28, “The Return” should be No. 4 on the Times’ list.

But Morris’ book is nowhere to be found with more than 4,000 book sales for the week. But a book co-authored by Oprah Winfrey had less than 3,000 book sales and made the list at No. 9.

And the No. 10 Times’ bestseller, “An Immense World” by Ed Yong, a book about animal perceptions, drew less than half of Morris’ actual book sales.

Bookscan showed “The Return” with actual sales greater than 11 other books on the Times’ nonfiction list for that week. Morris’ latest book predicts that former President Donald Trump not only will run for president again in 2024, but also that he’ll overcome big odds to win.

“The New York Times would not be caught dead promoting a book praising Donald Trump and calling for his reelection on its bestseller list, but any book criticizing Trump is guaranteed top billing,” Morris went on to say during an appearance he made on Newsmax Tuesday.

Many conservatives over the years have leveled accusations at the Times bestseller list for having a liberal bias and for de-ranking titles that come from a more conservative point of view.

Back in 2017, Regnery Publishing, a largely conservative book publisher, stated that it was not going to recognize the Times’ bestseller lists in their promotion because “actual book sales showed continuous bias and favoritism toward liberal authors and a lack of transparency on how the list is compiled, Newsweek reported.”

Morris stated in his book that former President Trump would end up facing some legal troubles due to the Biden administration being so scared of him making a return to the White House. Trump has come out and praised the book, gushing about it in a post published on Truth Social.

“Dick Morris is a #1 New York Times Bestselling Author, who is also a true political pro,” Trump stated in the post. “Great book, get it now!!”

The chances of Trump running for president in 2024 seem pretty good right now, wouldn’t you say? And it’s pretty ironic that this book mentions that the Biden administration would try to use legal troubles as a means by which to stop Trump from coming back to the White House, in light of the FBI raid that took place last month.

As of now, the former president has not made an official declaration of his intention to run again, but it could come any time.
