Actress Cher went after Joe Biden, telling him to align his views with those on the far-Left especially regarding the issue of abortion.

This comments from Cher comes in response to Biden’s reversal on the Hyde Amendment. In just 7 years, the former Vice President has seemed to do a complete reversal on his abortion stance. “For many years as U.S. Senator, I have supported the Hyde Amendment like many, many others have,” Biden told a crowd on Thursday.

“I’ve been struggling with the problems that Hyde now presents,” he also noted, adding that he would make “no apologies” for changing his opinions on the subject.

“I want to be clear: I make no apologies for my last position. I make no apologies for what I’m about to say,” he stated.

“If I believe that health care is a right, as I do, I can no longer support that amendment dependent that makes that right dependent on someone’s zip code,” he continued.

Many people including Cher herself made sure to hammer Biden’s original stance.

“Joe Made Major Mistake !!” she said. “Women Who Can Afford Abortion’s Should Pay,Those Women Who cant Pay should be offered FREE Birth Control,Plan B,Abortion Pill,& SAFE Abortion. WOMEN ARE THE FUTURE NOW !! DONT FK WITH US FELLAS.”

Check out what Breitbart had to say:

The 72-year-old singer, who endorsed Hillary Clinton in 2016, has long been vocal about her support for the current Democratic frontrunner. Last December, she said that she would love to see a joint ticket of Joe Biden and Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA). “I know Joe Biden and I know him to be a really great man,” she declared at the time. “I would love to see him with someone young.”

The singer also defended Biden back in April when he was facing accusations of sexual harassment from several women.

“Once spent time talking 2 Joe Biden In His Office. I asked Point-ed Questions,” Cher said on Twitter. “As Time Passed I Found Him Forthright,Kind,& Smart. At Meetings End He Walked Me 2 The &Gave Me A HUG. I Was Fine With It,But That,Was ‘MY’ Experience. HE MUST COMMIT 2 B’AWARE,& CARE’ABOUT WOMENS SPACE.’”

Biden’s flip flop on the Hyde Amendment has been met with great criticism from Republicans including Kellyanne Conway.

“Following Biden’s flip-flop flop on Hyde Amendment, wonder if he stands by his vote to ban partial-birth abortions while in Senate,” she tweeted.

Conway then tweeted a clip of Biden in 2012 where he stated that “life begins at conception.”

“My religion defines who I am. I’ve been a practicing Catholic my whole life,” Biden said during a debate in October of 2012. “Regard to abortion, I accept my church’s position on abortion as a de fide doctrine. Life begins at conception. That’s the church’s judgment. I accept it in my personal life.” 

“I just refuse to impose that [view] on others,” he also said.

“Following his flip-flop flop on Hyde Amendment, wonder if Joe Biden 2019 agrees with Joe Biden 2012,” Conway questioned.

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