The latest lunacy to come out of Chicago isn’t the daily, alarming death toll of black lives that apparently don’t matter, it’s coming from the mayor’s office and, specifically, from Mayor Lori Lightfoot herself.

The mayor actually said she is considering ‘licensing’ Chicago police officers in the latest virtue-signal to the imbecilic far Left following the George Floyd death because there isn’t much difference between cops and hairdressers.

Or something like that.

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And what’s more, Lightfoot’s not the only lunatic Democrat in the state of Illinois to support such a notion, as the Chicago Sun-Times reports:

Mayor Lori Lightfoot on Tuesday embraced the idea of licensing police officers as she strives to appease those clamoring for reform after George Floyd’s death, but without defunding the Chicago Police Department.

Five years ago, then-state Sen. Kwame Raoul, D-Chicago, tried to push a police reform package through the Illinois General Assembly that included licensing for police officers after the police shooting of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri.

Last week, Raoul, now Illinois attorney general, took himself to task on WBEZ-FM (91.5) for backing off that effort amid opposition from law enforcement.

“If I go get my nails done — which I don’t do, you can probably tell — but, if I did, the person who is handling my nails is licensed by the state. If I go get a haircut, the barber is licensed by the state,” Lightfoot said when asked about the idea during a press conference.

“There’s a uniformity in the professionalism. And then, they have to recertify themselves on a regular basis. Why wouldn’t we have that for police officers? I think it’s an idea that we absolutely must discuss and debate because it makes sense.”

Actually, this wacky idea only ‘makes sense’ to Leftists like Lightfoot and others who seriously believe there is no difference between police officers and nail salon owners, or that officers don’t receive updated training on an annual basis as it is.

But the larger issue – and the one getting the least amount of attention – is the fact that Chicago and other major cities that now, suddenly, are ‘rife’ with ‘systemic racism’ in their police departments have been run for decades by members of one party: The Democrats.

These are not ‘Right-wing” cities run by conservative mayors and Republican city councils. They’re hard-Left enclaved ruled exclusively by a single party whose current elected officials are doing all they can to deflect blame away from them and years of failed policies.

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What’s more, the police unions, many of them, are also run by Democrat patrons, donors, and voters, so if there are any ‘systemic’ problems inherent in those departments, then once again, we can’t blame Republicans.

So – what’s really going to change after the horrific death of George Floyd? Policing? Probably not. They’re not going to be ‘licensed’ (because the police unions won’t stand for it) and they’re not going to be disbanded because even Leftists like Mayor Lightfoot aren’t that stupid.

Rather, Democrats will use Floyd’s unfortunate death to push their radical agenda further down the field, with the ultimate objective remaining the same as it’s been: The destruction of the country as founded.


Kutztown grad specializing in political drama and commentary. Follow me on Facebook and Twitter.