If there is a more blatant example of a Democratic politician being tone-deaf like a boss, we’d love to see it.

We bring you Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot.

After neglecting to protect city businesses, public property, and residents from waves of looting and rioting for months since the George Floyd incident in Minneapolis under the guise that they have a right to ‘peacefully protest,’ Lightfoot has ordered Chicago police to set up a perimeter around the block where she lives to keep (get this) protesters from demonstrating against her.

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You simply couldn’t make this up.

The Chicago Tribune notes that a neighbor calls the block “Fort Lori” and adds:

The Chicago Police Department has effectively banned protesters from demonstrating on Mayor Lori Lightfoot’s block in the Logan Square neighborhood, ordering officers to arrest anyone who refuses to leave, the Tribune has learned.

The directive surfaced in a July email from then-Shakespeare District Commander Melvin Roman to officers under his command. It did not distinguish between the peaceful protesters Lightfoot regularly says she supports and those who might intend to be destructive, but ordered that after a warning is given to demonstrators, “It should be locked down.”

Since the order, and even for a time just prior to its writing, Chicago cops have repeatedly blocked protesters’ access to the block with groups of officers and barricades. Police have often kept protesters contained at the nearby corner of Kimball and Wrightwood avenues, though one standoff between activists and officers last month saw police go as far as bringing in an armored vehicle in case things got out of hand.

And how does she justify this?

Well, because – it’s against the law in the city of Chicago to demonstrate in residential neighborhoods (yes, really). And also, because she is entitled to protect herself and her family any way she can.

“This is a different time like no other. I’m not gonna make any excuses for the fact that, given the threats I have personally received, given the threats to my home and my family, I’m gonna do everything I can to make sure they are protected. I make no apologies whatsoever for that,” the mayor said.

“We are living in a very different time, and I have seen the threats that come in. I have an obligation to keep my home, my wife, my 12-year-old and my neighbors safe. … I think that residents of this city, understanding the nature of the threats we are receiving on a daily basis, on a daily basis, understand I have a right to make sure my home is secure. We have a right to our home to live in peace.”

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Uh, so do the other 2.7 million residents of Chicago, mayor. And what about those businesses along the Magnificent Mile that were systematically robbed (under the guise of “looting”) last week? Got any arrests yet?


Needless to say, ‘Fort Lori’ isn’t making the mayor’s neighbors too happy, since they have to now navigate a wave of police and barricades just to get to their homes. the mayor said.

“We are living in a very different time, and I have seen the threats that come in. I have an obligation to keep my home, my wife, my 12-year-old and my neighbors safe. … I think that residents of this city, understanding the nature of the threats we are receiving on a daily basis, on a daily basis, understand I have a right to make sure my home is secure. We have a right to our home to live in peace.”


Kutztown grad specializing in political drama and commentary. Follow me on Facebook and Twitter.