People choose their professions for a number of reasons. It could be a lifelong dream, or a family business, or what you grew up around. Often times lawyers will have lawyer kids, and musicians will have musician kids. Just makes sense. Many folks who go into law enforcement grew up with family in law enforcement, so it’s how they have been raised and all they have ever known. However, according to a clueless Democrat candidate in Connecticut, apparently cops just become cops so they could beat people up and score with the ladies. If I had only known!

A Connecticut Democratic candidate is facing sharp criticism after accusing police officers of joining the force to “beat people up” — and so they could “have sex with women attracted to the uniform.”

If I had only known those were perks of the job, I might have gone to the academy rather than working in manufacturing. Of course, there is always the ever-present possibility of being shot and killed by a criminal, or making a mistake and going to prison, but hey, the ladies!

“Some of them joined the police department because they wanted to beat people up with impunity,” she said. “They wanted to have sex because the uniform attracted women, and they wanted to speed.”

The first-time candidate also said most police are “combative with citizens.”

Full disclosure? I already speed. I don’t need a uniform to do that. I don’t consider speeding a perk of the job when everyone does it. Generally speaking, the only time I see officers become combative with citizens is when citizens act like fools. Commit a crime or try to get smart and fight a cop, and you bet they will get combative. Often with a half dozen of their friends.

It’s fair to say that there are women who are attracted to the uniform. that is a fact. And there are likely some officers with ‘little man” syndrome that became cops to wield authority. However, to make a blanket statement like she did is insulting, clueless, sexist, and harmful to the profession.

The backlash has been swift and harsh.

“We will be putting a question on the agenda for our Oct. 6 meeting. It will be a simple question, ‘Do you wish to continue endorsing Christine Maine as a candidate for the 51st District State Representative position?’” Scott Pempek, chairman of the Putnam Democratic Town Committee, told WINY Talk Show.

The Putnam committee, as well as neighboring Killingly and Thompson Democratic town committees, have asked Maine to abandon her bid for General Assembly, but the outspoken candidate has refused.

“The one thing that I did get confirmation on is that her name will not be off the ballot,” Pempek said.

Even sitting elected Democrats have encouraged her to drop out.

You know when other Dems ask you to drop out, that you probably screwed up. with her name not even on the ballot, and endorsements being pulled, Maine is getting a clear message that NO ONE is on board with her ridiculous comments.

For her part, Maine has not removed her name and is not apologizing. If she wants to die on that hill, apparently she is going to die alone. You know you have screwed up when other Dems abandon you, so maybe this will help reshape Maine’s world view of our brave police.


Kutztown grad specializing in political drama and commentary. Follow me on Facebook and Twitter.