CNN continues to claim that they are “fair” and “balanced,” but they will have a hard time denying that they are fake news after what one anchor admitted on air.

During a segment this week on his program “Reliable Sources,” Brian Stelter complained that networks aren’t anti-Trump enough.

Stelter argued that just covering what President Donald Trump says and does is not fair, and that networks should instead cover Trump’s presidency “as a whole” by mentioning his so-called “instability.” 

In other words, Stelter was arguing that networks should abandon facts and instead push an agenda to smear the president even more than they already do.

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After declaring “he is getting worse,” Stelter claimed mainstream media newscasts are not anti-Trump enough and as vicious as CNN and MSNBC are. 

The CNN host noted that “some prominent figures…are pleading with the press to take this more seriously.” 

Stelter complained that while “all of these stories are covered in the moment, individually, by reporters,” “rarely are Trump’s actions covered as a whole, rarely do news outlets take it to that next level.” 

Stelter proceeded to imply that these broadcast network newscasts are too soft on Trump: “When you watch a broadcast nightly newscast, how often do you hear about just how far off the road Trump is? Not often enough.”

“So, something’s wrong. There are lots of theories about what it is. There are some doctors who think they know. There are others who say we shouldn’t speculate. There are ethical questions about even having this conversation at all. But we can’t tiptoe around it anymore. We’ve got to talk about this. So let’s…let’s talk about it. Let’s do it,” Stelter declared, imploring his media allies to ramp up the negative coverage.

The mainstream media already covers Trump with a negative tone over 90 percent of the time — but apparently that is not enough for Stelter.

But to CNN, anything less than 100 percent negative coverage is being too fair to Trump.
