The left seems to be obsessed with creating “lists” of their political enemies, and now CNN has joined the party.

On Tuesday, CNN attempted to paint a target on the back of Congressional Republicans who have not made public comments acknowledging Joe Biden as “President-Elect”.

CNN host Biranna Keilar said, “You can count on one hand how many Republicans acknowledged Joe Biden is president-elect. Senators Lisa Murkowski of Alaska, Mitt Romney of Utah, Susan Collins of Maine, Ben Sasse of Nebraska. The rest here are silent, emboldening the president as he refuses to concede. But why?”

Here’s a screenshot of the “list” they displayed on live TV:

Senior media reporter Oliver Darcy said, “If you watch right-wing media, you would think the election was stolen by corrupt deep state Democrats. If you watch Fox News, that is the message, If you listen to talk radio, that is the message. If you read these far-right websites, the president is promoting that is the message. This matters because Republican politicians they know that the real power players in their Republican Party are Sean Hannity, Tucker Carlson, Laura Ingraham, Rush Limbaugh. Those are the people who control the Republican Party. them coming out telling audiences this election was probably stolen, Trump should maybe be president-elect again, that desensitizes Republican politicians who need to come out and tell the president what you’re pushing is not true and disinformation.”

Why is the left so obsessed with making lists of their political enemies?

It is officially open season on conservatives.

Stay safe out there.


"The Coca Cola company is not happy with me -- that's okay, I'll still keep drinking that garbage" -Donald J. Trump