CNN senior media reporter Oliver Darcy falsely claimed Fox News anchor Bret Baier engaged in a “dereliction of duty” for insufficiently fact-checking President Donald Trump this week.

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Darcy tweeted a deceptively-edited video of Baier’s segment — which was barely over one minute of Trump’s full 46-minute speech — to make it seem as though Baier had zero fact-checking.

Darcy, of course, purposefully ignored a seven-minute report from Baier and White House correspondent Kristin Fisher on Trump’s speech, where they did challenge a few claims from Trump on voter fraud in the election.

Darcy tweeted a 100-second video lacking said context, writing: “Dereliction of duty from @BretBaier, Fox’s chief political anchor, who just aired multiple clips from Trump’s 44-minute voter fraud video without issuing any sort of fact-check on the nonsensical and wild claims Trump alleged.”

Baier wasted little time clapping back during a commercial break: “Sorry you missed the beginning of the show Oliver.  And the panel segment —but thanks for the tweet.”

Darcy responded: “It’s great Kristin fact-checked at the very start of your show. You then played a bunch of clips later and didn’t provide any of that necessary context. C’mon.”

Baier hit back at Darcy’s cheap-shot: “I am mid-show.  But you may want to rewind Kevin Corke’s piece -the discussion with the panel. It’s called balance. You should try it. Thanks for always tuning in.”

Baier thanked Fisher for having done a “great job consolidating that in a very short time” and because she didn’t know “it was coming to begin with.”

Here’s the cherry on top:  Baier concluded the show by revealing that he’ll “be out for the next couple of days dealing with a family health issue” and thanked everyone who has reached out to him with “your prayers and your good wishes.”

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So Darcy attacked Baier just hours before he was going to deal with a family emergency, which reportedly involved Baier’s son having heart surgery.

Let that sink in.
