On Thursday, Fox News Channel reported that not only is it the top cable news outlet again for the fifth straight year, but that it’s hosts and programs set records for viewership in 2020.

CNN…not so much.

It’s top host, Chris Cuomo, finished the year in 21st place, well behind cable news’ top host, Sean Hannity, and well behind 13 other Fox News hosts and programs.

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There’s a reason for that: He’s an idiot and a loser, which is made plain by the fact that he can’t attract an audience that is worthy of his advertisers.

He made all of this crystal clear again on Wednesday when he lamely suggested that Florida should not be receiving as much COVID-19 vaccine as it has and that his state, New York – where his bro, Andrew – the guy who ordered nursing homes to take COVID-positive patients – is governor.

Here’s what he said:

Where to focus the vaccine, who should get it? Okay. Well, if you start with the obvious metric, where are the most cases, where are people dying the most? It’s going to be your big states. New York, California, Texas, Florida. Okay.

But now let’s look at those states. They also have the most health care workers, right? Because you have the most people. You have the most people, most population, most cases, most health care workers, most everything. Nursing home patients and health care workers, they need a lot and they’re first up for doses.

But only one of the states that I just mentioned, Texas, is even scheduled to get close to enough doses to give everyone in the first group a single dose by the end of the year. Why Texas? It’s not the biggest? Certainly hasn’t been the most responsible. Why Texas? In fact, of the five states that will get enough to give everyone in the first group a single dose by New Years, none of the states who will qualify that way are in the top 20 when it comes to case count.

Again, is this just about math? Or is it manipulation?

We must not just track who needs what, but who gets what. And when, and of course, why. We’re just getting started, it’s already an issue, as I just outlined to you. So, this means we’re going to have to be all over this.

Context, I know this guy named Cuomo up in New York. He said about 10,000 doses were administered yesterday. That leaves him just as exposed, given the scale of need, as he was without the vaccine, relatively. Every bit counts of course, but New York needs so much more and a lot faster or the curve of cases is going to go up longer and include more of the people that we need on the front lines. Time equals death here.

Governor DeSantis in Florida said they sent about 100,000 to five hospitals. But there’s a delay as shipments for the next two weeks are, quote, “on hold right now.” Two issues. One, why did they get so many more than New York, is it true, that they did? Because the numbers seem to suggest it. Is that the answer?

DeSantis says, well this is about Pfizer and their production issues. Is it? Or, this isn’t about that you-only-need-one-shot BS, that he was trying to pedal, is it? Did they get the doses they need? Should they?

This all demands answers in real-time because otherwise, problems will fall on top of one another. Because what you give one state that they were not supposed to get will fall down the line and there will be shortfalls.

Again, this is moronic. This guy has no information whatsoever. Every word is baseless speculation.

And frankly, that’s why he can’t draw an audience: Most Americans are smarter than he is.


Kutztown grad specializing in political drama and commentary. Follow me on Facebook and Twitter.