Tens of millions of Americans have been forced to file first-time unemployment claims over the past five weeks, as governors and mayors mandated closures of scores of businesses as part of their strategy to ‘bend the curve’ of the coronavirus pandemic.

Our country went from a Trump/GOP-induced historic unemployment rate of 3.5 percent (far lower in several states) to something akin to 17-18 percent in about a month.

Needless to say, millions of Americans are now panicked about how they’re going to live, how they’ll survive. And while unemployment benefits have already begun to kick in for many, those won’t last forever.

Yet, some Americans are beginning to think their jobless situation might last a long time.

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And that feeling is driving a growing number of protests in jurisdictions around the country. People are scared of the virus, but they’re becoming more afraid of their elected leaders, many of whom are doubling and tripling down on coronavirus-related mandates that are robbing them of their liberties even as they’ve been robbed of their livelihoods.

But do you know who hasn’t been robbed of theirs? Left-wing Democratic Party hacks posing as journalists, many of whom are multimillionaire personalities who are continuing to be paid while grousing at Americans who aren’t and who are trying to reclaim lives that have been torn away from them under the guise of keeping them ‘safe.’

One of these hacks is CNN host Don Lemon — the “dumbest man on television,” as noted by none other than President Donald Trump.

Lemon went off on Americans protesting overly restrictive coronavirus mandates during his little-watched program Monday, even as he continues to draw his $4 million-per-year salary, according to Celebrity Net Worth.

“It makes me so angry because every night when I leave this studio and when I come in, there’s an army of people through New York City- an army of immigrants and people of color and poor people who are keeping this city running,” Lemon began, as he ranted ahead of his nightly hand-off to colleague Chris Cuomo.

“They are disinfecting offices, they are cleaning people, they are changing bedpans, and they are working… And those people are out there complaining that they don’t have haircuts? Who the hell do you think you are?”

Uh, I don’t know that anyone’s actually complaining that they can’t get a haircut. Rather, what I do know is that people are being deprived of their ability to run their business or earn a living, something Lemon clearly isn’t being barred from doing.

That’s who the ‘hell’ they think they are.

Naturally, Lemon’s rant wouldn’t be complete without blaming the situation on the least-liable person: President Trump.

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“And if you’re so upset about it, then you should blame the president. Because he’s the one who’s supposed to help your small businesses. I understand that you’re hurting, I understand that people are hurting, yes, a lot of people are hurting, but there are people who are frontline workers who have to get out there,” he continued.

Speaking of being the dumbest man on TV, it’s not up to “the president” to “help small businesses.” It’s not even up to Congress to do that. States are, first and foremost, responsible for their own citizens (federalism!), not the federal government. But beyond that, Trump has done his part: He signed the CARES Act, which provided hundreds of billions of dollars in funding to small businesses. But he could only sign it after Congress passed it, which House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) held up because she wants to implement nationwide mail-in vote fraud.

Next, Lemon also compared the ‘stay at home’ protesters to athletes who have been criticized for taking a knee at sporting events, demanding that ‘stay at home’ marchers “don’t criticize people who are taking a knee at a ballgame” ever again. Like it’s the same thing.

“I’m so mad today,” the perpetually angry Lemon raged.

So are millions of jobless Americans, Don. Except they have a real reason to be angry, and you don’t.


Kutztown grad specializing in political drama and commentary. Follow me on Facebook and Twitter.