Oh Peppermint, why have you forsaken us? I know the gig at MSNBC gave you the perfect excuse to abandon that sinking ship of a White House, but what about us? You left all of your “fans” behind.

What did you leave us with? Karine Jean-Pierre, a houseplant.

Actually, that would be an intellectual insult to houseplants. Karine is often unable to string together a half dozen words that make sense, despite having shuffling papers in front of her. I have literally seen high school kids that do their school news that are more polished, professional, and prepared than this disgrace of a WH Press Secretary.

A new low point, for now, came recently when Karine was asked about baby formula. You know, might’ve heard mention on the radio about how families are terrified they can’t feed their babies?

Check this out per Daily Mail:

The White House struggled again on Monday to deal with questions about the baby formula shortage when Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre was left floundering with a simple request for the latest on the crisis.

‘Let me see if I have anything new for you on that,’ she said flipping through her now-famous binder of prepared responses.

She tried to fill time as her eyes ran quickly over the pages. ‘Think it’s been a couple of days since we have been asked that question,’ she said.

Been a couple of days? Shouldn’t this question be on Brandon’s mind as soon as his slippers hit the floor? It certainly is on parents’ minds! Why is this even an issue? Joe Biden has so thoroughly failed at every level of his administration, from his cabinet choices to his foreign policy, to his economic policies. It’s only fitting he puts an almost nonverbal dolt like Karine Jean-Pierre as his mouthpiece.

Then she admitted defeat. 

‘I don’t have anything new,’ she said during her daily briefing. 

‘I know we made some announcements last week. I just don’t have them in front of me. 

‘But if you want to come back and we’ll talk through the things that we have been able to do in the past, what the most recent activities that we’ve done.’

The issue has dominated successive White House briefings as the Biden administration faced questions about when it learned about the shortage and why it wasn’t better prepared to deal with empty shelves.

Karine, sweetie, you KNOW you are going to have questions about the baby formula! Is it too much to ask to be prepared? Have a lie, as normal, planned to placate the media. They are, for the most part, your stooges anyway! Doesn’t matter, she stutters, stammers, shuffles papers, and says nothing, yet her lips continue to move.

‘The president deals with issues on a regular basis and that boils up to him and it’s just there’s no specific person that I can call out to you, but it’s the regular way that we move forward through the regular channels,’ she said. 

‘I don’t have a specific person but that’s kind of how it goes on any issue, not just this one. 

‘It goes through regular channels and senior senior White House staff usually brief him on different issues.’

Pretty heady stuff from the person that serves as the de facto voice of the President. On the other hand, that’s kind of apropos that the person tasked with speaking for a houseplant, sounds like a houseplant.

Peppermint, just remember if it all goes to crap with your 18 viewers over at MSNBC, you have a confused country that would embrace you with open arms!



Kutztown grad specializing in political drama and commentary. Follow me on Facebook and Twitter.