On Wednesday during President Trump’s “Make America Great Again” rally in North Carolina, a “Send Her Back” chant broke out from the crowd which referred to congresswoman Ilhan Omar who was originally from Somalia.

On Thursday, President Donald Trump denounced the chant, saying that he was “Not Happy” about it.

“It was quite a chant. I felt a little bit badly about it, but I will say this: I did start speaking very quickly. … I was not happy with it. I disagree with it, but, again, I didn’t say that; they did,” he said in the White House.

President Trump noted that he “started speaking very quickly” once he heard people start chanting “send her back.”

“I wasn’t happy with that message that they gave last night, but that was a packed arena,” he said.

When asked if he will stop a similar chant in the future, President Trump said, “I will try. I will certainly try.”

Even though the President denounced the chant, liberals on Change.com are starting a petition to ban President Trump from holding campaign rallies because of the brief “Send Her Back” chant that broke out.

Executive Director of Guns Down America Igor Volsky introduced the petition on Twitter noting: “In light of the racist #SendHerBack chants at Trump’s rally on Wednesday, I’ve started a petition urging @AEGworldwide, which owns @USBankArena, to cancel Trump’s upcoming racist campaign rally on Aug. 1.”

Check out what the petition reads:

On August 1st, Donald Trump is scheduled to host a campaign rally at the U.S. Bank Arena in downtown Cincinnati, Ohio. The event will take place less than a month after Trump presided over a North Carolina crowd chanting “Send her back! Send her back!” about an American Muslim congresswoman he targeted with racist attacks.

Given Donald Trump’s penchant for stirring up unrestrained demagoguery and racist hate-filled chants against women, minorities, and immigrants at his campaign rallies, we are asking AEG Worldwide, which owns the U.S. Bank Arena, to cancel the event and refuse to rent its space to the Trump campaign. 

Does AEG Worldwide and U.S. Bank — which has naming rights to the space — really want to be associated with such hatred and racism?

All colleges, universities, corporate branded arenas or other private or public venues should refuse to rent their arenas for Trump’s racist campaign rallies. 

This isn’t the only attempt by the left to slam President Trump for the chant that broke out. Co-host of “The View” Joy Behar went as far to suggest that President Trump should be criminally charged for the chant which came from the crowd.

Behar also accused the President of “inviting violence” onto Omar along with others belonging to the progressive “squad.”

“He doesn’t care or doesn’t acknowledge the fact that what he is doing is possibly inviting violence towards these women, and women who are saying this is wrong,” Behar said. “I don’t like this.”

Behar continued by questioning if President Trump could be charged or sued for the chant.

“Why can’t he be brought up on charges of hate speech?” Behar questioned. “Why can’t he be sued by the ACLU for hate speech?”

What are your thoughts? Let us know in the comments below!
