The harassment of President Donald Trump by Deep State operatives and careerist bureaucrats is both unprecedented and ongoing, as indicated by an announcement from the Government Accountability Office that it will ‘investigate’ the White House’s response to the Chinese coronavirus pandemic.

After receiving an additional $20 million in funding thanks to the $2.2 trillion coronavirus relief package the president signed, the GAO announced it will use the additional money to hire more auditors whose job will be to probe every aspect of Trump’s coronavirus response.

Politico reports:

Lawmakers handed President Donald Trump $2 trillion in coronavirus relief — and then left town without activating any of the powerful new oversight tools meant to hold his administration accountable.

But with little fanfare, Congress’ independent, in-house watchdog is preparing a blizzard of audits that will become the first wide-ranging check on Trump’s handling of the sprawling national rescue effort.

So, what’s on the agenda for the GAO?

The watchdog, which is largely under the control of Congress, is planning to probe the distribution of financial relief to small businesses and individuals along with how the implementation of nationwide testing is rolled out and whether personal protective equipment was delivered in a timely manner.

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“We’re moving forward very quickly,” Angela Nicole Clowers, GAO health care unit chief, said of the action, according to Politico. “We’re an existing institution and have a lot of institutional knowledge about all these programs. It gives us sort of a leg up.”

Just weeks ago, as The Daily Caller notes, the president fired several inspectors general whose jobs it would have been to keep track of the coronavirus response — actions which earned him condemnation from lawmakers in both parties.

That said, he did create a new position — a special inspector general for pandemic recovery — early in April, but nominated Senior Associate Counsel in the Office of White House Counsel Brian Miller to the position.

And of course, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi made sure to do her part to harass the president. Before dismissing her chamber she created a select committee to ‘assess’ the administration’s coronavirus response. That panel is chaired by long-serving Democratic hack Rep. James Clyburn of South Carolina.

As for the GAO, the watchdog has served as an arm of the Deep State in the past. You may recall that it was this agency that declared Trump’s handling of lethal foreign aid to Ukraine in 2019 was illegal, though the Office of Management and Budget, which actually distributes foreign aid, begged to differ.

“We disagree with GAO’s opinion. OMB uses its apportionment authority to ensure taxpayer dollars are properly spent consistent with the President’s priorities and with the law,” OMB spokeswoman Rachel Semmel said, as Breitbart News reported in January.

The Pentagon disagreed with the CBO as well. Pentagon spokesman Jon Hoffman backed the White House’s decision to place a temporary hold on the aid, noting it ultimately “got out with no detriment to our national security.”

Mind you, the GAO’s ‘determination’ that the temporary hold placed on the Ukrainian aid was illegal came out as the president was enduring a bogus impeachment trial. So, no attempt to influence the proceedings there, right?

As for ‘examining’ the manner in which the president has and will continue handling the pandemic, given that he has to rely on lethargic bureaucracy to get the money and supplies out the door and to their intended destinations, who really believes that GAO won’t find something that didn’t go off as planned and blame Trump?

The Deep State hates this president like they have hated no other. This kind of harassment is going to continue and will likely worsen if he wins reelection in November.

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Kutztown grad specializing in political drama and commentary. Follow me on Facebook and Twitter.