Outspoken conservative actor Antonio Sabato Jr. sat down for an interview recently and gave his thoughts and opinions concerning the FBI raid of former President Donald Trump’s Florida estate, saying that “If it happens to him, it can happen to anybody.”

And that, my friends, is why you and everyone else should be concerned about what happened down at Mar-a-Lago. This isn’t just about the attacks on a former president, though that is included. It’s about how the federal government is now turning its agencies into weapons to use against those who disagree with progressive principles and the agenda being pushed by the Democratic Party.

They are sending a message by targeting Trump. What are they saying? If we can do this to him, imagine what we can do to you. Get with the program or else.

During his interview, Sabato declared he was supporting Trump for president in 2024 though the former president has not formally declared whether or not he is running, while appearing on the Thursday edition of “The Balance” on Newsmax, going on to say he was “supporting the man from the beginning.”

“I live in Florida right now. What they’ve done is like the Gestapo. It’s like the Nazis used to do: Barge in, do what you have to do, forget about everybody else,” the actor went on to say, according to Newsmax.

“But I’m just telling you right now, that’s going to make him win even further in the next couple of years because the American people are officially fed up — I’m telling you,” he continued.

I have a feeling that Sabato is right. Each and every time the left attacks Trump in some major way, the effort backfires and only serves to make him more popular. The main reason for this is that their attacks are unfounded and often the product of pure fabrication.

To those of us out in the real world, such attacks look like fear. It’s clear the left is afraid of Trump. They are afraid of him because he stands his ground. He holds a certain set of values and he won’t budge on them. Trump keeps his promises, listening to the American people and what they want.

It’s this sort of attitude and behavior that led to him being so successful while in office. America was getting back on track because someone was finally listening to the people in the trenches.

Restoring freedom back to the people and giving them something to unite behind scares the left as it strips them of their ability to control the masses. That is why Trump is a threat to them.

Sabato then took an opportunity during the interview to slam magistrate judge Bruce Reinhart, who was a two-time donor to former President Barack Obama, not to mention an attorney for ex-employees working for convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein.

“America stood for: You work hard, you do something from your heart, you believe in God, you believe in family, you believe in the flag, you support our military, you support our cops,” he stated during the episode.

“Now, it’s completely different. All these liberal cities are falling apart, run by guys like this [Reinhart] you are showing me right now, who are lying to the American people constantly,” he went on to say. “And so, the American people have to wake up.”


